Restoring Biblical Manhood In the
Local Church

The issue of manhood is a hot topic today. What is it and why does it have such an impact on matters such as fatherlessness, divorce rate, and the rise in youth leaving the church? Glenn Stanton and Dr. Wayde Goodall discuss the details behind the historical loss of understanding when it comes to manhood, the situation the church currently finds itself in, and how we can move forward training and mentoring healthy men in the context of the local church.

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Glenn Stanton

Glenn T. Stanton

Glenn T. Stanton is the director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He debates and lectures extensively on the issues of gender, sexuality, marriage, and parenting at universities 
and churches around the world.

Dr. Wayde Goodall

Dr. Wayde Goodall is Strategic Pastoral Advisor with Focus on the Family Church Resources in Colorado Springs, CO. In this role, he serves thousands of pastors, para-church leaders, and churches.


Training Sons to be Confident, Capable Men

Jonathan Catherman believes today’s parents need to be more intentional about teaching boys basic life-skills, like cooking, dressing well, changing a tire, treating a woman well, and more — so that they can behave in a manner worthy of respect and not embarrass themselves. Jonathan also addressed the important responsibility fathers have to engage with their sons.

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