Connecting As a Family In a Tech Absorbed World
Text messaging, social networking, and online videos are changing the way parents and children see the world—and each other. I’m sure you have experienced this. Maybe you sometimes feel like technology is even tearing apart your family life.
This is a reality for so many families. But as parents, we must first examine and correct our own habits with technology before helping our kids find this balance.
And finding non-tech opportunities to engage as a family can be meaningful for everyone.
But how do you do this?

From a recent Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast, we have created a 5-part video series featuring author and former youth pastor Jonathan McKee to help you reconnect as a family. In fact, this series will help you think about how technology is used in your home and how you can find ways to increase connection and restore your family life.
The 5 short episodes in this series include:
Video #1 – Helping Children Become Tech Enabled
Video #2 – Navigating Video Gaming
Video #3 – Training in Discernment
Video #4 – Looking for Opportunities to Connect
Video #5 – Seeking Out Those No Tech Zones
Is this something you need for your family? You can work through each short episode together in just a few minutes.
Simply let us know where we can send you the 5-part video series, “Connecting As a Family In a Tech-absorbed World”. Fill out the form below, and then check your email inbox for instructions on how to get immediate access to all five episodes in this series.