
Intentional Dad Page

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Be the dad your family needs!

God is the ultimate Father. He exemplifies the attributes all fathers should have, like love and compassion, and we look to Him as our perfect model of fatherhood. By following Him as an ideal guide, fathers have a foundation to lead their families with truth and love.

If you want to be a more godly father, this resource is for you! When you sign up for the Intentional Dad Challenge, you’ll receive one text message a day for 30 days, each with a simple challenge that will help you connect with your children and show your love to them. You can be the dad your family needs!

Sign up for the 7-Day Intentional Dad Challenge

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Read more about fatherhood

Fatherhood is a subject close to Jim Daly’s heart. At five years old, Jim was abandoned by his own father, but at 15, he found a faultless Father in God. Now a dad to two sons, Jim has shared his story to help other dads learn how to lead their children well.

Jim Daly

President and CEO, Focus on the Family

Jim’s childhood was filled with men who failed at fatherhood. His biological dad was an alcoholic who abandoned him when he was 5, his stepfather left after Jim’s mother died, and his foster dad was unable to care for him. By Jim’s senior year of high school, he was living alone.

But by God’s grace, a better father figure finally came into Jim’s life when he was 15 — a football coach who sponsored Jim to attend a camp run by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, where Jim was saved by God, and he learned to trust in Him as the perfect Father – One that is always there for His children.

“Fathers play an oversized role in our lives. In fact, it’s impossible to truly understand the meaning of life and the truth of Christianity without understanding that the center of the whole story of reality is one of eternal love and glory between a Father and His only Son Jesus Christ. That’s why it’s no coincidence that each one of us has a story regarding our father, and it is often one of great joy or unfortunate pain.” — Jim Daly, in “Show Me the Father”

Fatherhood: How to be the Dad Your Family Needs

The Importance of Fathers   —   A Spiritual Foundation for the Family

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