The suicide rate in the United States has increased two percent every year since 2000. This is sobering, but the Church stands in a unique position to offer hope to those who are hopeless. This FREE, 4-part series of short videos, titled “Hope Always: How the Church Can Respond to the Suicide Epidemic,” offers unique insights and research that will bring light to this difficult conversation. Join renowned speaker and author Dr. Matthew Sleeth as he shares his findings.
Video #1: The Suicide Epidemic (9:38)
Video #2: Suicide as a Moral Wrong (10:07)
Video #3: What is Our Responsibility? (4:26)
Video #4: The Church and Suicide (5:18)
Video #5: What is Different Today? (8:40)
Video #6: Show We Care (6:10)
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The suicide rate in the United States has increased two percent every year since 2000. This is sobering, but the Church stands in a unique position to offer hope to those who are hopeless. This FREE, 4-part series of short videos, titled “Hope Always: How the Church Can Respond to the Suicide Epidemic,” offers unique insights and research that will bring light to this difficult conversation. Join renowned speaker and author Dr. Matthew Sleeth as he shares his findings.
Video #1: The Suicide Epidemic (9:38)
Video #2: Suicide as a Moral Wrong (10:07)
Video #3: What is Our Responsibility? (4:26)
Video #4: Q&A The Church and Suicide (5:18)
Where can we send your 4-part video series?
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