At some point, our Christian culture has rewritten the greatest commandments from loving God and others as yourself to loving God and others instead of yourself.
Strengthen Your Marriage
Asking the Right Questions to Strengthen Your Marriage
Asking the right questions can strengthen your marriage and determine the trajectory of your relationship. It’s essential that you develop this tool for a strong marriage.
Supporting Your Spouse’s Goals Is Good for Your Marriage
God has placed passions in your heart—and also in your spouse’s. Encourage each other in following dreams, even if you have to step out of your comfort zone to do it. You’ll enjoy a richer marriage.
Your Spouse’s Flaws – How and When to Give Grace
What should you do if your spouse’s flaws drive you crazy? Give grace? Or should you confront it because it’s missing God’s mark?
How to Forgive Your Spouse
Forgiving your spouse is never easy. It means letting go of an offense. It means giving grace instead of nurturing a grudge. How do you do that?
Dot-To-Dot: Connecting With God and Your Spouse
Just as we follow the numbers in a dot-to-dot puzzle, we need to follow our Creator’s direction for our marriages. God’s direction will help us stay connected to our spouse as we try to follow the divine dot-to-dot for our lives together.
MARRIAGE 911 – Questions and Answers
Moving Beyond Compromise in Marriage
Don’t settle for ‘his way’ or ‘her way.’ Find a better way! Learn how to negotiate and communicate with your spouse for a happier marriage.
Control Negative Mindsets for an Improved Marriage
The unhealthy attitudes I ‘inherited’ from family hurt my marriage. I learned how to conquer bad attitudes, and so can you. Here’re tips to develop skills that will improve your communication.
Is Your Marriage Worth Imitating?
Our kids are constantly watching us, and how we treat our spouse is probably how our children will treat their own spouse someday. Your marriage is your child’s blueprint for intimacy and relationships.