Our free PDF download “The Talk” offers valuable strategies and practical tips to help you initiate age-appropriate conversations with your child about healthy sexuality. It emphasizes the biblical and spiritual significance of sexual education, providing guidance on timing and format for sharing the great story of God’s design for sex. When you download “The Talk,” you’ll also get links to online resources addressing specific concerns regarding various sexual topics.
Our free PDF download “The Talk” offers valuable strategies and practical tips to help you initiate age-appropriate conversations with your child about healthy sexuality. It emphasizes the biblical and spiritual significance of sexual education, providing guidance on timing and format for sharing the great story of God’s design for sex. When you download “The Talk,” you’ll also get links to online resources addressing specific concerns regarding various sexual topics.
Get equipped today! Fill out the form below to download “The Talk” for free. After you hit the submit button, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to download your free PDF.
Then check out Launch into the Teen Years! This is a comprehensive kit designed for preteens, featuring six streaming videos covering various topics such as friendships and identity in Christ. This resource also includes a special journal for the child, a parent’s guide journal, and an anatomy booklet to facilitate intentional conversations about God’s design for sexuality.