
In the Image of God: Why We Are Pro-Life

Four generations of women - a grandmother, daughter, granddaughter and baby great granddaughter – standing in a flower field

Focus on the Family’s comprehensive view of human life is based on the idea that each human being – born and preborn – is created in the image of God (the imago dei)


Whether you found us through an Internet search or heard about us at the Evangelicals for Life event, we’re glad you’re here. Focus on the Family has always believed that every person is made in the image of God, and the Pro-life section of is where we will address the sanctity and value of all human life.

Coming into our world and leaving it are two of the most mysterious, holy and vulnerable times in life. As followers of Jesus Christ, we hold fast to the promise that our lives are in God’s hands (Job 12:10), and that He who created us in our mother’s womb sees every moment before we draw that first breath. Indeed, every day is recorded in His book (Psalm 139:16). He knew us before we were born, and He walks by our side as we labor in death.

Still, there are those who advocate and legislate the hastening of death. That’s why every stage of life needs protection.

And while we must speak up for the preborn and those who are sick or dying, it’s essential that we acknowledge that behind these issues are real people. Hurting people. People facing challenges that can seem overwhelming.

Those seeking to end a pregnancy often do not see a way out of their situation and lack the resources or will to raise a child. This is especially true in developing nations where maternal death, malnutrition and poverty threaten entire families. And those who wish to end their lives through euthanasia or assisted suicide are usually suffering in unimaginable ways. Moreover, their advocates maintain that they’re motivated by compassion and a desire to offer people the “dignity” to decide their own fate.

Focus on the Family’s comprehensive view of human life is based on the idea that each human being – born and preborn – is created in the image of God (the imago dei). We are all of equal and inherent value, and therefore worthy of the same protection. While there are many vulnerable groups in society, Focus has chosen to concentrate on a handful: the preborn and those facing the end of life, the plight of the orphan, people with special needs, those facing preventable death from malnutrition or disease, the displaced, the poor and those trafficked and enslaved.

We believe the Lord encourages His people over and over in Scripture to “learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause” (Isaiah 1:17). Again and again, God urges us to “give justice to the weak and fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute” (Psalm 82:3). The oppressed matter deeply to the God of the universe. Consider those Jesus sought out when He walked among us: the sick, the outcast, the despised, the children and the sinners.

We realize that specific approaches may differ, but ignoring the issue — the imago dei — is simply not an option according to a Holy God who commands us to act. On this site we hope to further develop this comprehensive view of life, while presenting stories of Christians who live out this worldview. As the Bible tells us in Micah 6:8: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Our ultimate hope is that you are stirred to take action — to meet the great need around us with kindness and mercy. We also hope this site serves as a source of encouragement for those already involved in these issues. May we all walk humbly with Jesus.

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