Bailey’s Books

Bailey is always ready for a challenge. When her Sunday School teacher challenged her to read the Bible, Bailey read her whole children’s Bible in four days. Last year, she memorized 100 Bible verses. Plus, she rock climbs, plays on two hockey teams and is learning Chinese.
So when Bailey heard about kids who needed help to read, she jumped in.

It all started with tacos.
One night, when Bailey’s family was eating dinner, her mom told a story about one of her friends who taught kids who were struggling to read.
“Some can’t tell the difference between an A or a Z,” Bailey’s mom said.
Bailey couldn’t believe it.
“I read every waking minute,” she says. “If I couldn’t read, I couldn’t learn. I couldn’t read the Bible.”
Many of these children didn’t have good books at home. Bailey and her family decided to donate 1,000 books—three books for each child.
But where will we get that many books? Bailey wondered.
“We could give them all our books,” Bailey’s younger sister, Riley, said.
Bailey and her sister sorted through their books. It wasn’t enough. They called friends and asked for books. Bailey’s mom posted on social media. They even held a book drive at church.
The tower of books grew. Bailey packed books one by one into big brown boxes. Thud, thud.
But it still wasn’t enough.
“Maybe we could make a video and you could ask people for more books,” Bailey’s mom suggested.
Bailey wasn’t so sure.
“I don’t like talking in front of people,” Bailey says. “But I do like crafts!”
Bailey decided to raise money by starting a business designing pens. Carefully, she traced a line of glue on the side of a plain pen. She pressed a blue rhinestone into the glue and then a yellow rhinestone. Soon she finished a full row. After 12 rows, the pen looked amazing!
A designer created a logo for “B’s Bling’n Boutique.” Once people knew about the pens, they bought them. When Bailey earned $250, her family purchased more books. Soon the total topped 1,200 books, which was more than enough.
“Woo-hoo!” Bailey cheered. “We did it!”
Bailey was excited to meet the challenge. But she was even more glad her actions shared God’s love.
“I love Jesus, and I want other kids to know Him too,” Bailey says.

Bailey’s Favorites
Colors: Red and blue
Dessert: Chocolate chip cookies
Bible story: Daniel and the lions’ den
Verse: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

Welcome to Clubhouse Jr.

Every month, Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr. magazine provides age-appropriate, biblically based stories, poems, puzzles, crafts and recipes that can help children (ages 3-7) learn more about and grow closer to God.