Focus on the Family ministry logo. Stylized silhouette of young child holding parents' hands

Turkey Bird Feeder

strong glue
googly eyes
foam craft sheets in red, orange or yellow
string or ribbon
peanut butter

1. Glue googly eyes near the top of the pinecone.
2. Cut two foam triangles. Glue triangles for beak below eyes.
3. Cut turkey feathers out of foam. Glue to back of pinecone. Let dry.
4. Tie a string around top of pinecone so feeder can hang.
5. Using a spoon, spread peanut butter onto pinecone.
6. Hold feeder over a bowl and sprinkle with birdseed.
7. Hang feeder outside so birds can enjoy their own feast!

Welcome to Clubhouse Jr.

Every month, Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr. magazine provides age-appropriate, biblically based stories, poems, puzzles, crafts and recipes that can help children (ages 3-7) learn more about and grow closer to God.