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Coming alongside you,
your family, and the church

coming alongside you, your family, and the church

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Young man sitting at his laptop in his kitchen. He's laughing and waving at someone in a video call.

Four Questions on Mentoring During a Pandemic

A crisis is a magnifier that tends to reveal cracks – but also highlights needs. What type of feedback are you receiving? Are your congregants enjoying your extra emails, texts and phone calls? Has this season revealed your need to spend less time on large group events and more time on one-on-one ministry?

Sustaining a Distant Church During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Pastors and church leaders make God their refuge and strength and thus rise to the occasion by marshaling practical and theologically-informed strategies in place for church life and by teaching the wisdom of Scripture concerning God’s faithfulness.


Pastoral Care and Discipleship in a Time of Crisis

Christians have been here before, and we can take comfort and wisdom from the actions of those who faced these kinds of things well. During the first 100 years or so of the early church, there are letters written by Roman governors during times of plague talking about the behavior of this strange new group of people, Christians.

a row of statues in an old library
Doubt/Struggles with Faith

Does Philosophy Have a Place in the Pulpit?

You don’t need a degree in philosophy to incorporate apologetics into sermons. A solid study of basic logic, worldviews and arguments for Christianity and against other viewpoints can fortify those in the church to have a winsome reason for their hope in Christ


Shepherding Families Who Are Walking Through Miscarriage

The sweetest comfort I found in my grief was knowing that my baby is with Jesus. That he or she will never know loss, pain, cold, grief, disappointment or sorrow. That all their soul will ever know is joy in the presence of God.


Preaching on Tough Topics

Trying to make sense of tough topics, most people will end up online and in social media listening to friends or cultural icons. Nothing compares, however, to how a pastor will be around after the service, available over email and present the next week.

Husband and wife laughing and dancing in their home
Serving Together with Your Spouse

How to Deal With a Joy Thief

Joyless people are miserable people. They haven’t tasted and seen that the Lord is good. They haven’t yet learned that it’s through our times of suffering that the Lord often does his best work. I have been in a joyless place, and chances are you have, too.


A Theology for Discouraged Pastors and Church Leaders

Discouragement may come to the godliest and most talented of God’s ministers in the church. But as we remember to reflect on God’s good providence, His willingness to let us lament before Him, and how He has rescued his servants who sank deep into despair, we can find our moorings and press on to serve Him with gladness of heart.

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