Focus on the Family

Unsure of your views on
Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice?

Vote Life Logo

“Vote for a child’s
chance to dream…”

In this year of upheaval, amid a rancorous election, there’s something upon which most of us agree. A majority of Americans still think life in the womb has VALUE and SHOULD BE PROTECTED.* As you cast your ballot this election season, you don’t have to change your views. Just act on what you already believe. Make the compassionate choice. VOTE LIFE

Pro-life vs pro-choice. You’ve probably heard the two terms used liberally throughout your lifetime. One side seems occupied with women’s rights, while the other is associated with saving babies. The truth is that merely associating one particular subject with each term is inaccurate. In reality, both pro-life and pro-choice motives and objectives are quite complex and diverse… (read more)

No one epitomizes compassion more than Dr. Tyler Sexton. At 18 months, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and some didn’t see the value of his life. But his mother did. She raised Tyler to chase his dreams no matter the challenges he’d face. Today, he’s a pediatrician, caring for babies and kids, and is a living testimony that LIFE is full of possibilities — but only if we give LIFE a chance.

Related Broadcasts - Learn More

Abortion has a way of marking people, scarring them, leaving them with a story of regret, heartache, or pain. But in the aftermath, people also can find forgiveness and healing. God often gives hurting people a new purpose — to share their story with others. Check out some of these Focus on the Family broadcasts and hear about the redemption and hope they found after.    

Take The Next Steps

Why the urgency? Laws about abortion are changing. A few state legislatures are enacting stricter bans. But several are opening up access to abortion, even to the day of birth! Did you know that abortions in the third trimester — also known as late-term abortions — are legal in eight states? Because of this, concerned citizens across the U.S. are standing up and speaking out like never before. Has this issue affected you? Are you feeling moved to do something? Consider making these three steps.

STEP 1: Vote Life!

Choose candidates and decide on state propositions that protect preborn babies and uphold the sanctity of life.

STEP 2: Learn More

Watch the See Life 2020 digital premiere on-demand and hear powerful words of truth and hope. Then share it with your family and friends.

STEP 3: Pledge to
Get Involved

Join our pro-life efforts by signing the Pledge to #LoveEveryHeartbeat where you live. When you sign, you’ll begin to receive updates, encouragement, and helpful, pro-life resources.

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*  Only 28% support abortion after 1st trimester; only 13% support abortion after 2nd trimester. SOURCE: Gallup