Skinny Snowman


paint stirring stick
white acrylic paint
black foam sheet
tacky glue
scrap of ribbon
googly eyes
orange pipe cleaner
black waterproof felt marker
scrap of fleece
buttons (size 22-24 for body; size 16 for hat)


1. Paint the stirring stick white. Let it dry.
2. Cut out a hat from foam. Glue to snowman’s head.
3. Glue on a ribbon hatband and a button.
4. Glue on googly eyes.
5. Ask a parent to cut a 1-inch length of pipe cleaner. Bend it near the end and glue on for a nose.
6. Use a marker to add the snowman’s mouth.
7. Cut a 10-inch long, 3/4-inch wide piece of fleece for a scarf. Cut 1-inch slits on each end for a scarf fringe. Tie the scarf around your snowman’s neck.
8. Glue on buttons to complete your snowman.
9. Sign your name on the back, add to a potted plant and give as a gift.

Welcome to Clubhouse Jr.

Every month, Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr. magazine provides age-appropriate, biblically based stories, poems, puzzles, crafts and recipes that can help children (ages 3-7) learn more about and grow closer to God.