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Coming alongside you,
your family, and the church

coming alongside you, your family, and the church

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Photo of a man praying over his Bible.

God, Mass Shootings, and the Pastor’s Role

Pastors and other church leaders should engage the issue of mass shootings biblically, logically, and factually. Things have gotten too terrible for them to be silent or uninvolved.

Photo of a wife and husband with adopted/foster care child.

If each church could raise up one foster family, we would be able to take all children in the foster system and place them in the care of a loving home.

A pair of hands holding a newborn baby's feet.

Pro-Life 101 for Pastors

You must be about the business of building a pro-life foundation in your church. Pro-Life 101 for Pastors is essential to accomplish this meaningful mandate.

Advent Candles burning with Nativity in the background.
Church Leadership

Advent Can Be a Well-Worn Season for Pastors

It is easy during this time of year to get lost in the habits of the season. As much as we might love the decorations, the songs, and the services, they can become rote. And when a practice becomes rote it begins to lose its meaning.

Happy young family sitting on couch and talking with family counselor. Smiling parents with adopted children discussing with counselor. Multiethnic family meeting a financial agent.

Supporting Adoption in the Church

Maybe people, and possibly even adoptive families themselves, might wonder if their efforts are a waste. We must make sure they know that Jesus, who cares for vulnerable children, sees what they are doing as admirable.

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