The Adult’s Complete Guide for

Bring Your Bible Day

Let’s break it down

Bring Your Bible to Work

Bring Your Bible Day is an annual celebration that encourages Christians to boldly express their faith. It’s a simple two-step process: bring your Bible and share what God’s Word means to you!

When Does it Take Place?

Bring Your Bible Day occurs every year on the first Thursday of October.

Who can participate?

This event is open to working professionals of all ages. Whether you’re a parent, a young adult, or a seasoned employee, you can join in. If you haven’t registered yet, make sure to sign up for this year’s event!

Where Do You Bring Your Bible?

Bring your Bible to your workplace, whether it’s an office, a factory, or a home office. Regardless of your work environment, you can participate!

Why is Bring Your Bible Day Important?

As Christians, we’re called to be salt and light in our workplaces. Bring Your Bible Day provides an excellent opportunity to start conversations about faith with colleagues and coworkers.

We’re Here to help!

The heart of Bring Your Bible  Day is simply bringing your Bible! There are numerous ways to share with your coworkers. Consider giving away an extra Bible as a gift, jotting down and distributing favorite verses, or organizing a Bible study during lunch breaks. Be creative and find unique ways to express God’s love to those around you!

We’re here to support you in making your Bring Your Bible Day a success. Below, you’ll find resources to help you spread the word and enjoy the experience.

How to Share

There are lot’s of ways to share the news about Bring Your Bible Day! Check out our social media guide below and print our free digital poster to pin on your local activity boards! 

Download and print this year’s free poster by clicking the button below to post to your school or church activity board!

Social Media Guide

Join other participants and build excitement on social media

If you have a social media account, you can be a part of building the excitement for Bring Your Bible Day across the nation. Just follow these three easy steps…

Step 1: Follow

Follow Bring Your Bible on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to stay up-to-date on all the latest information on Bring Your Bible.

Step 2: Share

Share social media posts, quizzes, and other activities from Bring Your Bible Day with your friends and encourage them to join you!

Step 3: Post

Post pictures and videos with your Bible on the day of the event. Bonus points if you do a group photo with family and friends! Don’t forget to use the #BringYourBible hashtag!

Faith Merch

Show your Faith with Bring Your Bible Swag

Check out our Bring Your Bible merch! Get the word out about the big day with shirts, posters, and more. Live out your faith and look good doing it!

conversation guides

More than just talk

Use our conversation guides for tips on how to start conversations on BYB Day or respond to challenges in a loving, respectful way.

Dos & Don’ts for Bring Your Bible Day

Now that we’ve covered what you’re allowed to do, let’s talk about some of the things you will want to do on Bring Your Bible Day (and a few things you won’t).

Do This:

Bring Your Bible

As the name suggests, make sure to bring your Bible to work and read it during free time.


Pray for yourself, your colleagues, and other participants of Bring Your Bible Day. Trust that God will soften hearts to the gospel. Encourage friends and family to join you in prayer.

Invite Your Colleagues

You’re allowed to invite your colleagues to join you in reading the Bible and discussing it. Remember, though, you can’t force anyone to participate if they’re not interested.

Share Bibles

Offer Bibles to coworkers, but do so in a way that doesn’t disrupt work. Consider sharing during breaks, lunchtime, or after work hours.

Be Respectful

If your supervisor or manager has questions about Bring Your Bible Day, answer with humility. If they ask you to stop, follow their instructions. You can seek additional guidance from organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom.

Spread the Word

Ask your pastor and other church leaders to help promote Bring Your Bible Day within your congregation.

Don’t Do This…

Force Others to Join

You can’t compel coworkers to listen to you or read the Bible with you. However, inviting them to participate is allowed.

Be Afraid

As a Christian, feel free to share your beliefs about God and the Bible during free time. Invite colleagues to join you, but avoid interrupting work tasks.

Disturb Work Time

While sharing your faith is encouraged, ensure it doesn’t disrupt work activities or meetings.

Wait Until the Last Minute

Plan ahead! Check your workplace’s rules for displaying materials or organizing events. Inform your superiors about your participation in Bring Your Bible Day and coordinate the best way to share the message.

Why it Changes Everything!

The Live It Challenge presents Bring Your Bible Day—coming this October! This exciting event empowers Christians to make an impact living out their faith by bringing God’s Word with them!

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*By signing this form I am acknowledging that I am 13 or older.