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Coming alongside you,
your family, and the church

coming alongside you, your family, and the church

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The Pastor and His Community

Being known by selecting two or three people who aim to build trust with you through asking specific questions is a way for a community to love their pastor, as well as a way for a pastor to love his community.


How Our Church Encouraged Us to Adopt

Adoption won’t always move in a straight line, but it’s an outreach of immense importance and one that rests at the heart of the Gospel.


Encouragement for Pastors

The pastorate is no easy job, but those who have faithfully followed the call of God into church ministry can be encouraged in several says.


Pastors, Take Heart in the Fact that God Sees You

Whatever challenges you are facing, whatever questions you are holding, whatever brutality you are grappling with on this fallen planet at this moment, know that you are seen, known, understood, and deeply beloved by God.

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