Focus on the Family ministry logo. Stylized silhouette of young child holding parents' hands

Matthew Parker’s Decoder #2012-12

Remember the nutty code from the December issue of Clubhouse magazine? If not, here it is again:

Matthew Parker's Decoder -- December '12

How It Works:

To “crack” this code, read the letters inside nuts that are mostly round.


Just like the Christmas song says, you really can roast chestnuts over an open fire . . . and they’re good for you, too! Chestnuts provide about 65 percent of the Vitamin C you need in a day—and they’re the only nuts that contain this vitamin. But if you do roast them, don’t forget to score (cut a slice into) them first. Otherwise they might explode when they get hot!

Look for another secret message next month!

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Welcome to Clubhouse

Every month, Focus on the Family Clubhouse magazine features fun crafts and recipes for children ages 8-12. More than 80,000 families use the Christ-centered stories, quizzes and puzzles to help their kids learn about and grow closer to Jesus.