Search up, down, across, backward and diagonally for the following Bible story words: banquet crown Haman king Mordecai queen scepter Vashti Xerxes Bonus Word: Can you find the hero of this story? Click on the puzzle image to download a printable version and to find the solution. Click here for more great stories, art and …
Members Magazine 2017
One morning I woke up Feeling sort of funny, I knew I didn’t have a cold, Because my nose wasn’t runny. At first I felt like a bee And had to make honey. Next I felt like a dog That had just gotten fleas, I got to eat dog food And sniff all the trees. …
Click on the maze above to download a printable version. Click here for more great stories, art and poems from Clubhouse readers.
The phone rang. “Caw, caw. Who caws the crow?” I answered. (It was Bird Day, celebrated by me.) “I don’t get it,” said a girl’s voice. It sounded like Kelly. “You know, because ‘caw’ sounds like ‘call,’” I explained. I hate having to explain my jokes. It happens all the time. “What do you want, …
“Who?” Olivia asked. “Do you see the small W’s in the sand?” I said. “Those are seagull tracks. A bird must have landed here and eaten your lunch while you were in the restroom. That’s why there are crumbs all over the sand.” “See, I told you.” Jay smirked. “I’m sorry, Jay,” Olivia said. She …
“Come on,” Olivia said, “it will be fun.” “I don’t know,” I said. “I don’t think I can do it.” “Please,” Olivia pleaded. “It’s not hard, we can practice first. Plus, Connie will be our coach.” I couldn’t figure out what was so great about soccer. Then again, there’s a first time for everything, so …
Are you a good friend? Answer truthfully—don’t just pick the one you know is right. I let my friend talk without interrupting. True False
I am from a great family, From parents who love me. I am from funny siblings, From late-night talks with my sister. I am from music, From melodies and tunes. I am from “Do your best,” “We love you,” And “Remember who you are.” I’m from a quilt That my mom made herself. I’m from …
A good detective keeps her eyes and ears open. Matthew and I both love going to the beach in the summer. Thankfully, our families took a vacation together. Jay and his family were there too, making the vacation even more exciting. We were lying lazily on the beach while Camilla and Barrett swam in the …
On another normal day in Hatborough, Billy Bob was in his superhero gym testing his super-strength by lifting weights as heavy as elephants. Suddenly, his BB phone rang. A robber named Villain had just robbed the jewel store. Billy Bob was on his way! He put on his cape and ran outside. Then he looked …
Talent, God-given Use it for His glory We’re all part of His story So every morning Let’s step into a new territory. Get out of the discriminatory society With the arguing and rioting Come into a world of acceptance, Repentance, openness. You’ll then Understand How much it means For those who see Someone who cares …