Ammah had a face like stone. Could Elijah love her anyway?
Members Magazine 2019
“Girls, time for s’mores!” “OK, Mom!” I hollered. “This backyard campout was a great idea. It’s super fun!” Olivia exclaimed as we unrolled our sleeping bags in the tent. We dashed out to roast marshmallows over the campfire with my cat, Trixie, at our heels. “You girls all set?” Mom asked. “Yep!” Olivia and I …
Greetings and salutations! In addition to determining the desired numerical sequences, this month’s puzzles ask you to build equations. Fill in the grid so each row and column includes every number from 1 to 4. (That means no repeats, either horizontally or vertically.) The number pairs in the shaded rectangles form simple equations. For example, …
Bright morning sunlight lanced gracefully into the forest. In his hole halfway up a great hemlock, Amison awakened. Hopping out, he blinked in the early sunlight. The downy woodpecker smiled. After a long, cold winter, spring had finally arrived. He fluffed his black-and-white plumage. The red spot on the back of his head glistened brightly. …
There is always part of a story, That is waiting to be told. And inside my head, Scenes constantly unfold. Sometimes it never stops, That story inside my head. It seems my train of thought, Works overtime in bed. When I try to go back to sleep, To return to my peaceful slumber, The stories’ …
A good detective keeps her eyes open. Every detail is important when investigating a mystery. This year, the Odyssey library was holding an art show. I strolled past the tables, admiring the pictures and sculptures. Suddenly, Tori ran up to me. “Emily!” she cried. “I need your help!” “What happened?” I asked. “My painting won …
“Jay could have smudged the table,” I told Tori, “but that wouldn’t explain the paper towels. However, Olivia did say she spilled water. She probably used the towels to mop it up.” Tori’s eyes went wide. “And she was painting a house with blue paint,” I continued. “She probably left the smudge.” We found Olivia …
Clubhouse readers sent in more than 1,200 entries this year. We could only fit a few in the magazine, but here are more amazing stories and drawings from kids like you! Spring of Thankfulness Allen, 12, from Kansas Set Sail Isabel, 15, from Washington Words Caroline, 11, from Colorado Stories Hailey, 16, from Idaho Season’s …
Words are like birds, around you they fly, Twisting and turning up in the sky. They are very pretty and very bright, They flap and they flutter way up out of sight. Words are like squirrels; they make barely a sound, Running through trees with a leap and a bound. They can be cute, shy …
Spring’s breeze is gentle and cool, Relaxing, refreshing and as wanted as a jewel. Summer’s breeze is cozy, quiet and surreal, Warm and comfortable is how it makes me feel. Autumn’s breeze is fresh and cold, It’s something I want to keep and hold. Winter’s breeze is frosty and freezing, Which is obviously something I …
You won’t believe it. I’m leaving to go camping with Brian and Billy today. Just the three of us, miles away from home! Well, not really, more like we’re camping near the lake a few blocks from my house with my dad. I packed the van with all sorts of necessary things including marshmallows and …