Matthew Parker’s Decoder #2012-4

Puzzled by the code in our April issue? Here it is again:

Matthew's Decoder April 2012

How It Works:

This is one of the oldest codes around. It looks like a gate and is called the Pigpen Cipher. To bust it, all you do is locate where the symbol is on the code key, and use the letter indicated.

Matthew's Decoder April 2012--pigpen cipher


Kellogg’s Pop Tarts were created in September 14, 1964, but Post—Kellogg’s greatest rival—was actually the first to create an already baked toaster pastry. Post made the mistake of announcing their product, “Country Squares,” before they were ready to deliver them, giving Kellogg’s six months to create what people believed was a “cooler-sounding” product. Soon Kellogg’s Pop Tarts became grocery store staples, while Post’s Country Squares disappeared from the shelves.

Look for another secret message next month!

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