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Coming alongside you,
your family, and the church

coming alongside you, your family, and the church

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Christian family holding hands praying worship believe and seeking the blessings of God, fellowship, or bible study concept. They were reading the Bible and sharing the gospel.

Family Worship as a Spiritual Discipline for Pastors

This article is part 7 in a series about pastors and their practice of the personal spiritual disciplines. While the practice of family worship involves at least one other person, it usually relies primarily on the discipline of one individual for it to happen. Pastor, in your home, this would be you.

Photo of an open bible and a coffee on a table in the sunlight.

Returning to Our Rhythms after Easter 

Following the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, pastors need to remember their calling to follow Him year-round. Let’s not just return to the mundane or comfortable but remember our ultimate mission of drawing near to God.

Sunrise over the old city of Jerusalem.

He is Risen!

Christians often overlook that Isaiah 53 describes the death of the Messiah and his return to life! Isaiah 53:10 affirms, “Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him, he has put him to grief.” Could anyone write a clearer presentation of the Gospel than this? And to think that it was written over 700 years before Jesus died and rose again in AD 30.

A single cross in a beautiful meadow of white wildflowers.

The Pastor’s Family and the Busy Easter Schedule

We are coming up to Easter, undoubtedly one of the busiest weeks of the year for a pastor. How are you to manage your duties so that your family, especially your kids, don’t get church fatigue or, even worse, church resentment?

Photo of some palm branches framing some sunlight.

Two Different Crowds during Passion Week, Two Different Types of People

The crowds that gathered around Jesus during Holy Week had two different motives. The first came to worship. The second to mock. The two different crowds represent the two most basic postures of the heart. As we examine the events of Holy Week, it is worth reflecting on what crowd represents you best.

A photo of two first-century tombs in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Jesus’ Death Fulfilled Isaiah’s Prophecy

Two millennia of Christian believers have championed the great prophecy of Isaiah 53. They see it rightly as portraying the death of the Messiah. But this marvelous chapter also contains something that even Christians often overlook.

The most reliable location for where Golgotha would have been is here, now inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Jesus’ Suffering at Golgotha

Golgotha was an ugly place, and Jesus was crucified between two ugly criminals. I remind the reader of the contrast between Jesus’ transfiguration and his crucifixion. That foretaste of His glory stood in stark contrast to the portrait of His suffering on Golgotha.

Illustration of empty tomb of Jesus with. sun shining in.

We Have What the World Desperately Wants–Immortality in Christ Jesus

Pastors, don’t let this opportunity pass you by this Easter! Deliberately address the lost by appealing to their will to live. We have what this world desperately wants—immortality. We have everlasting life in Jesus Christ. If the world knew that, it would plead with us to share the gospel.

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