Have questions about Bring Your Bible Day? We’ve got you covered.
What’s Bring Your Bible Day all about?
On Bring Your Bible Day, Christians across the nation will share God’s love with others. It’s an annual event for all Christians, sponsored by Focus on the Family. The event is designed to empower Christians to express their belief in the truth of God’s Word — and to do so in a respectful way that demonstrates the love of Christ.
Be sure to mark your calendars and be counted by registering to participate in this event!
Can I really bring my Bible to school?
Yes, you can! You have constitutional rights to bring your Bible to school with you whenever you would like. These rights fall into two basic categories:
1) First Amendment rights
As a student in a public school, you have First Amendment rights to engage in voluntary, free speech conversations in a way that does not interfere with or substantially disrupt classroom time and academic instruction. That means you can voluntarily express your personal and religious beliefs to your classmates through verbal or written expressions, as long as you follow school policy and do not engage in these activities during classroom or instruction time.
2) Equal Access rights
Student clubs (including Christian ones) and individuals also have equal access rights to participate in the same free speech expressions and activities already allowed by the school for other clubs and individuals. For instance, if your school allows students or clubs to put up posters or distribute cards containing messages about a current topic, they should not discriminate against other students or clubs who also want to use those same free speech venues.
For more information, visit our Know Your Rights section and Responding to Challenges.
How do I get started and get in touch with other Bring Your Bible Day participants?
First, be counted by signing up for the event. You can do that here. Then, check out all the ways you can prepare for the event. Don’t forget to join the year-round conversation with other Bring Your Bible Day participants and families on our Facebook and Instagram pages. See you there!
Why is it important for me to be involved?
As a Christian, you can be a powerful voice of hope at your school or workplace!
And if you are a student, don’t let that have a negative impact on your action. In the Bible, it was often young people who led the way for the rest of their culture by taking a courageous stand for their belief in God. Check out the books of Daniel and Esther, which tell the stories of a young man and woman who, despite their youth, had the courage to share God’s truth and love with those around them. The New Testament also speaks to the difference you can make: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)
Also, by bringing your Bible to school or work and expressing your faith, you are helping protect religious freedoms for others. For more about the impact your can make, check out 5 Reasons to Get Involved in Bring Your Bible Day.
Who is Focus on the Family?
Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive in this culture. We’re here to come alongside families with relevance and grace at each stage of their journey. We support families as they seek to teach their children about God and His beautiful design for the family, protect themselves from the harmful influences in culture and equip themselves to make a greater difference in the lives of those around them.
No matter who you are, what you’re going through or what challenges your family may be facing, we’re here to help. With practical resources—like our 1-800-A-FAMILY (1-800-232-6459) help line, counseling, and websites—we’re committed to providing trustworthy biblical guidance and support.
Who is the Alliance Defending Freedom?
The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is a legal alliance of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations defending the right of people to freely live out their faith. Launched in 1994, ADF employs a unique combination of strategy, training, funding, and litigation to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family. ADF offers pro bono legal assistance as deemed appropriate for Bring Your Bible Day participants who encounter unconstitutional roadblocks to their free speech rights.
Can I talk about my religious beliefs?
Yes! Government schools cannot censor students from engaging in voluntary free speech (written or verbal) about their deeply held religious beliefs — as long as the speech does not interrupt or cause a substantial disruption to academic instruction. For more information about this, review the legal resources in the Know Your Rights section.
Who can participate in this event?
Anyone can participate in Bring Your Bible Day. Just be sure to bring your Bible to school, work, or anywhere else you may be on October 3rd.
Do I need authorization from school officials to hold this event?
While you don’t need official permission to simply hold conversations with other classmates, it is a good idea to check for applicable school policies or notify school officials that you plan to participate and promote Bring Your Bible Day.
In general, according to First Amendment principles, schools should allow you to distribute student-initiated messages (like posters, etc.) before and after class.
However, schools do have the ability to enforce basic procedures and regulations that students need to follow to engage in these activities. What schools can’t do, however, is enforce these regulations in a biased way and practice what’s known as “viewpoint discrimination” — which means allowing certain groups and students to engage in activities while censoring or prohibiting other groups and students from engaging in those same activities simply because school officials happen to disagree with a certain viewpoint. Federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have repeatedly prohibited this kind of discrimination.
So if other students and clubs are allowed to put up posters and distribute cards, Christian clubs and Bring Your Bible Day participants should be given the same freedom. Also, schools must take care to enforce any regulations in a fair and neutral way. This means they can’t require more rules or restrictions for some student groups, while not enforcing those rules for others who are engaging in the same exact activities.
What happens if I have trouble being allowed to participate at my school or workplace?
First, remember — even when encountering opposition or obstacles — it is extremely important to demonstrate the spirit of Christ and remain respectful at all times. If a teacher or someone else in authority prohibits you from participating in these activities, you can request that they check with a supervisor or attorney (see Responding to Challenges for more details).
If they continue to insist that you stop doing something, such as handing out flyers, you should stop immediately. Then you can call 1-800-TELL-ADF for help in resolving the situation quickly. ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom) has a team of experienced lawyers ready and willing to help you remove any unconstitutional roadblocks you may face.
What should I do if people respond angrily to me?
Again, the most important thing you can do is to reflect the spirit of Christ by remaining confident while demonstrating compassion and kindness. Don’t return insults or lose your temper. Tips for handling these situations are available in Responding to Challenges.
Can I alter the materials for Bring Your Bible Day?
No. The posters and Conversations Cards provided on this site are designed to communicate a message in the most loving and respectful way. It is very important that the materials not be altered in any way, shape, or form.
What are some things I can do to participate in Bring Your Bible Day?
Several ideas for fun things to do during the days leading up to and on the day of the event are posted here. The free Bring Your Bible day guides also have a checklist you can stick on your fridge or post in your room to help you plan!
What can I do the rest of the year?
The movement doesn’t have to end in October! You and your friends can carry on the spirit of this event throughout the school year. Take on the Live It Challenges, monthly challenges designed to help you live out your faith at school and in the community.