Made to Heal

Have you ever wondered why a cut stops bleeding on its own? If you poke a hole in the bottom of a water bottle, the water leaks out until the bottle is empty — why don’t cuts do the same thing?

The easy answer is that our blood clots and forms a scab. Simple, right? Wrong! How does your blood know to form a clot? What triggers the process to stop the bleeding? Psalm 139:14 tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” and we can see a perfect example of that when we look at the way blood cells clot.

When you get a cut, your body detects the loss of blood and automatically constricts the blood vessels in the hurt area so less blood flows out of the wound. A protein called fibrinogen (we’ll call it “Matthew”) arrives at the wound. There another protein, called thrombin (we’ll call it “Thomas”), cuts off the end of the Matthew protein, making it fibrin (we’ll call it “Matt”). These Matt proteins then bond together at the site of the wound.

The Matt proteins work together with platelets (call them “Peter cells”) to form a plug that seals the wound and prevents any more blood from escaping. It’s kind of like making a net to catch all the blood cells. But the process isn’t done yet! Literally dozens of different proteins in your blood work together to help seal off the cut, and if any one of those proteins doesn’t do its job properly, the plug won’t form and you’ll keep bleeding.

The way our blood clots is further proof that our bodies didn’t evolve by random chance. Instead they were created by an Intelligent Designer. Think about it: How long would it have taken for our bodies to “evolve” to a state where blood clots formed to stop bleeding? Evolutionists would say this incredibly complex process would have evolved over millions of years. What about all the cuts that occurred during those millions of years? Wouldn’t everybody have died by bleeding out — sort of like the water bottle? The blood clot is too complex to have happened by chance.

Isn’t it amazing how God designed our bodies to take care of and heal themselves? Now let’s hear it for Matthew, Thomas and Peter!

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