Matthew Parker’s Decoder #2010-11

Can’t figure out what the mysterious barcode meant in the November issue of Focus on the Family Clubhouse magazine? Don’t worry. It’s simple.

How It Works:
This code is created using a barcode—those symbols on the back of just about anything you buy. To break the code, just read the words in the numbered list in the order of the code’s numbers. For example, the first number in the barcode is 6, which is “GIVE” in the list. The second number is 2, which is “THANKS.” Extra numbers can be discarded once you break the code. Got it?

0. TO
1. THE
4. IS
5. HE
7. FOR

Barcodes have been around a long time and make checking out at stores fast. In June 1974, the very first barcode was scanned for a purchase at Marsh’s supermarket in Troy, Ohio. It was a pack of Wrigley’s chewing gum.

Look for another secret message next month!

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