Still not sure what all those numbers mean in the February 2011 issue of Clubhouse magazine? Just decode the ZIP code! If you don’t remember, here it is again:
24600-52314-79411-20120 46913-31410-44444-51110 01000-03000-109091-03330-12345-12344
How It Works:
By now, you’re probably familiar with a code key where A=1, B=2, etc:
This month before you can find the number to decode, you have to first add the five numbers in each ZIP code. For instance, for the zip code 51106, you add 5+1+1+0+6=13. Thirteen=M! Cool, huh?
In 1943, the United States Post Office Department divided cites into zones. This helped provide the foundation of the ZIP (Zoning Improvement Plan) codes that were first introduced in 1963. They help mail get exactly where it needs to go—fast! The five numbers in your ZIP stand for:
• First number: Your national service area.
• Second number: The subdivision of your national service area.
• Third number: Your city.
• Last two numbers: the post office in your city.
Look for another secret message next month!