Focus on the Family ministry logo. Stylized silhouette of young child holding parents' hands

Triple Pops


3 different colored juices
paper cups
plastic wrap
Popsicle sticks


1. Pour one of the juices into a cup until it is one-quarter full.
2. Put the cup in the freezer until frozen.
3. Take it out of the freezer and pour in another kind of juice until the cup is half-full.
4. Tape plastic wrap over the cup. Poke a Popsicle stick through the plastic wrap so it touches the frozen juice. Freeze again.
5. Remove from freezer and carefully peel back the plastic wrap. Pour in the last kind of juice. Be careful not to spill or pull out the stick. Return cup to the freezer.
6. When it’s frozen solid, twist the cup and pull out the juice pop.

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