Pet Shop Puzzle
Jocelyn C., 11, Pennsylvania
Find 10 things at this pet shop that start with CA. Then look for 4 paw prints with letters on them and unscramble the secret word.
Secret Word: _ _ _ _
Eugene’s Sudoku
Fill in the grid below so each row, column and colored shape includes the numbers 1 to 5. That means no repeats, either horizontally or vertically. If you think you have the answer, click on the puzzle.
Puzzle by Mary H., 10, from Minnesota
This second puzzle is even harder. Complete the grid so that each row, column and three-by-three colored box contains the numbers 1 to 9. When you finish the puzzle, click on the image to see the answer.
Puzzle by Cameron M., 13, from Pennsylvania
Bonus Puzzle by Nevena P., 12, from North Carolina