I woke up one morning in my little home in the tree. I scurried to find my friends: Polly the Porcupine, Dora the Deer and Brenda the Blue Jay. We went out to play, deep in the woods. We played acorn toss, tag and more.
Suddenly, I looked around and didn’t know where we were anymore!
“What do we do, Sarah?” Brenda asked.
“I’m not sure,” I replied.
We walked and walked until we found a hole in the ground.
“Is anyone in there?” I shouted.
A red fox crawled out.
“Oh, hello, Mr. Fox,” I said, “I’m Sarah the Squirrel, and these are my friends. Would you help us? We’re lost.”
“It’s a pleasure to eat, er, meet you, Sarah. I would love to help you,” the fox said. “Just follow me. Would you like to go to my grandma’s house for dinner? She makes the best food.”
“Oh, yes,” I said. “That would be splendid!”
So we followed the fox. We had been walking for a while, when we heard a noise. Hoo, hoo! Hoo, hoo!
“Don’t follow that fox!” said a voice from above.
“What’s that?” Polly said.
“It’s an owl!” Dora said.
“Don’t follow that mean, old, sneaky fox!” the owl warned again.
“Hush up, old owl! The fox is helping us!” I replied.
As last, we reached the fox’s grandma’s house. We sat at the dinner table.
“Oh, you won’t be sitting there,” the fox said. “I have a very special spot for you.”
He took us to the kitchen where his grandma was waiting. You’ll never believe what she did! She threw us into a pot of water on the stove! Oh, how I wish I had listened to the wise, old owl.
Then I heard a noise. Hoo, hoo! Hoo, hoo! The owl came back. He quickly snatched us out of the pot, threw us on his back and flew all the way back to my house.
“Thank you, Mr. Owl! You saved our lives!” I said.
I went to bed so thankful that someone was watching out for us. It reminded me that Jesus is always there for us.