
Barb Winters

Barb Winters is the author of Sexpectations: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Healthy Relationships. She is the mom of a recovered pornography addict, speaker, certified Sexual Risk Avoidance Specialist, and founder of Hopeful Mom: supporting parents in an online world, where she offers encouragement and practical advice to parents and leaders. Connect with Barb at Hopeful Mom.

young girl with fear and tearful eyes is a victim of human trafficing

Human Trafficking: Is My Daughter a Target?

Rather than assume our children are immune from temptation because they are Christians, live in a Christian home, or attend a private school, we should stay informed and be proactive.

kid exposed to pronography

My Kid Was Exposed to Pornography

You have done everything you can to protect your children from the horrors of the world. Sometimes the best you can do, is help them through it.

What Stays? What Goes?

It’s not as easy as you think. Get solid tips for merging stepfamilies.