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How to Teach Your Child To Pray Like Hannah
“I know I should teach my children to pray, but I have trouble making time for prayer myself, and does God really listen to me?”

5 Strategies to Help Kids Handle Teasing and Build Healthy Identity
Learning to deal with teasing is a normal part of childhood development.

Is Grind Culture Grinding Your Teen Down?
So, what is this Grind Culture thing? And is your teen a part of it?

Slow Down to Create Margin for Family Time
The intentional act of slowing down to create a margin for family time provides benefits that will carry forward in every family member’s life.
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10 Things You Need To Know About Bullying and Cyberbullying
No matter what form bullying or cyberbullying takes, it happens far too often and can have damaging effects.

Steadfast Love in Action: Loving Our Unique Family
Tim and Katie Nester are currently parenting seven children. Their unique family challenges them to show steadfast love in action every day.

Strategies for Helicopter Parents
Solid strategies for helicopter parents that can land the whirlybird while encourage their children’s growth and learning.

Laura Perry Smalts’ Authentic Shift From Transgenderism To Embracing God’s Design
Becoming the Christian woman God created her to be was a long, hard, and confusing road for Laura.