
Ages 19+ (Adult)

Family Estrangement: 6 Ways to Reconcile with Adult Children

You can move forward after a rift with your adult children by learning new ways to build trust and respect between you and your child.

establishing boundaries with adult children: police handcuffing a young adult man

How to Establish Boundaries With Adult Kids

How can parents stop enabling and set boundaries for adult children?

Grieving the Loss of My Dad on Father’s Day

In his final years, my father slipped into dementia and eventually struggled to remember even the simplest daily things. But he never forgot the power of the Holy Spirit working in his life.

How to Have a Great Christmas With Your Young Adults

Celebrating the holidays with clear communication and healthy boundaries with your young adults will make your time together more memorable and enjoyable.

25 Things I Want My Kids to Know

There are hundreds of things to teach our kids during their lifetime. Here are just twenty-five things that I want my kids to know. What would be on your list?

Hope For Parents of Prodigal Children

If you’re experiencing the loss of a prodigal son or daughter who isn’t currently in touch with you, you probably feel helpless. Here are some ways to understand a prodigal child and find hope if you have a prodigal child.

Modeling Grace to Your Kids in the Pro-Life Message

Modeling Grace to Your Kids in the Pro-Life Message

Young people are often confused by rhetoric coming from their peers, schools, and media. How can parents respond when asked about abortion?

tips for new grandparents

Creative Ideas and Tips for New Grandparents

Creative ideas tips for purposeful grand parenting. Here’s how you can find your place in your grandchildren’s lives and hearts, near and far.

How to Cope with Your Child’s Suicide

God is greater than suicide. Trust him to provide strength, courage, and endurance for the journey of life after suicide.

surrogate parent

Becoming a Surrogate Parent and Mentor

Becoming an unexpected surrogate parent revealed God’s design for my students. Continue to lean into the roles that God develops for you.

A woman standing at the end of a pier in fog.

When Your Kids Reject God

4 principles for encouraging faith in your adult children.

empty nest parenting and changing seasons

Empty Nest Parenting and Changing Seasons

In the midst of empty nest parenting, you can still enjoy the changing seasons as your kids work, move away and start their own family.

Letting Go of Holiday Expectations

Sometimes the best way to celebrate Thanksgiving isn’t the traditional way. Learn how to let go our your holiday expectations

Public Reading of Scripture With Your Kids

If the practice of public reading of Scripture with your family sounds good to you, you may be wondering how to get started. Well, we have a few options for you!

mom and adult son talking

Divorced Parent Concerned That Grown Child Is Skeptical About Marriage

How can I convince my adult son that matrimony is valuable and worthwhile when his own parents couldn’t make it work? My ex-spouse and I split up when my children were still small, and I thought it was all water under the bridge. Now I find that my son blames me and his dad for …

backs of students in caps and gowns

Teens Taking a Year Off Before College

Do you think it’s a good idea for our son to wait a year after graduating from high school before enrolling at the university? He’s very responsible in a number of ways, but we’re concerned about him losing momentum. What should we do?

Control and Motherhood

Is there such a thing as being in control when you’re a mother?

Blended Families

God can use any old pieces of cast-off cloth to make a beautiful patchwork family.