Help for pornography addiction
Porn addiction and compulsive sexual behaviors are a dark epidemic for men and women. And those inside the church are just as vulnerable to pornography.
But there is HOPE! Quitting porn is possible. You can break free from the effects of porn addiction and start on a journey toward healing. These judgment-free resources are designed to encourage you and give you practical steps to move toward freedom and recovery.
What Can I Do Now?
If you’re looking for some action steps you can take to improve your situation
right away, here are our top 4 recommendations:
Where Can I Get Help for
My Specific Situation?
If you’re looking for help for a personal struggle with pornography, or if you
need help for a loved one, see the options below.
Top 4 Action Steps You Can Take Now
Request a Counseling Consult

Call Focus on the Family at 1-855-771-HELP weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Mountain Time), or complete our Counseling Consultation Request Form, for help with pornography addiction, loss of emotional intimacy in marriage, forgiving a cheating spouse, depression, and more.
Set Boundaries
This Accountability-based service is safe, secure and proven effective at helping members overcome porn addiction.
Plucky helps you stick to your long-term goals rather than indulge in short-term Internet temptations. You set your own boundaries, and Plucky enforces them.
Make a Decision
Decide today to move toward sexual wholeness. Be Broken is a Christian ministry that helps both men and women move from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ – and equip others to do the same.
Specialized Counseling
If you want to take back your life from unwanted sexual behavior and betrayal trauma, this is a safe place to find hope and healing.
Develop Sexual Integrity | Restore Your Broken Marriage | Establish Healthy Relationships
Get Help for Your Specific Situation
Help for Myself
Pornography and sexual addiction can feel like an inescapable darkness. But there is hope! God’s guidance through a healing journey can lead you to a place of renewal.
In this Broadcast Insider video, Rosie Makinney shares how pornography can hijack the brain by taking advantage of feel-good chemicals, neural pathways, and numbing of pleasure receptors.
“Help! My husband’s addicted to porn!” If these words are familiar to you or someone you know, you’ve found the right book. FIGHT FOR LOVE is a biblical battle plan for wives seeking to take their marriage back from porn.
Statistics reveal that many married men are struggling with a pornography addiction, even in the church. If this has impacted your marriage, please know, you’re not alone. John, Erin and Greg discuss how to take a step toward healing, after a secret sin has been uncovered. Featuring guests David and Kirsten Samuel.
It’s when work life and family life are at their peak — and at times at each other’s throats. Many men turn to porn during these exhaustive years as an illicit pick-me-up.
Perhaps we have begun, in the church, to reflect the views of this world than the true Word of God. So, is watching porn a sin?
How can you break free from the entrapment of erotica? Here are five steps.
Brant Hansen makes brilliant observations about what women need men to be – and six key decisions men can make to set themselves apart. Alluding to the creation story, Brant encourages men to be “Keepers of the Garden” – secure, confident protectors chasing after Christ. (Part 1)
God created the brain to bond sexually with one person: a spouse. When we understand how our brains really work, we’re free to enjoy God’s design and trust that it’s far better than we imagine.
There’s no easy formula for overcoming sexual addiction, but there is hope. I’m living proof.
You can’t keep hiding. You can’t kick the habit on your own; no one can. If you really want to be free, you’re going to have to open up to others. You’re going to have to learn to be vulnerable.
This is the story of one pastor’s battle for sexual integrity and how God helped him overcome pornography so he could help people with similar struggles. God transforms us so we might help others.
Pornography can be an unhealthy substitution for sex with one’s spouse, but often it’s a symptom of a deeper issue and a way to cope with unresolved pain. The user may be avoiding true intimacy.
Getting real about the dangers of pornography, plus Joe Rigney on winning the war against lust, and spouse-hunting in a different culture.
We may stereotypically think of sexual temptation as a man’s problem, but women are not immune to the lure of romance depicted in new and graphic forms of entertainment.
Nick Stumbo and his wife, Michelle, lead Pure Desire with the goal of actively walking sexually addicted men and women toward freedom. If you’ve tried everything but still can’t get free from porn, this conversation is for you.
Our Boundless website offers many helpful articles, podcasts, and other resources addressing the topic of pornography.
The Focus on the Family website also offers a plethora of helpful resources dealing with various pornography-related problems.
This isn’t just another how-to book on trying to control your behavior. This is a story of how God redeems what has been broken and recreates something awesome in a man’s heart.
The church needs to help Christians understand the beauty and power of sex that is so compelling that we would never be satisfied by porn.
This concise and user-friendly manual is a must-have for the modern Christian man wanting to make a clean break from porn.
Written by a counselor who understands the condition from the inside out, No Stones offers practical help for those battling sexual addiction. It also includes a specific chapter for anyone in close relationship with an addict, whether a spouse, family member, or friend, who wants to come alongside women as they seek help
For any woman who desires to escape the pull of lust, pornography, and sexual shame, this book is a refreshing drink of water that will quench the fire within and point the way toward freedom.
Incorporating statistics, stories from girls she’s worked with, and excerpts from her own journals, Jessica Harris gives readers a candid glimpse into the heart, mind, and struggle of a female porn addict.
Dr. Gregory Jantz exposes the temptations that entrap good men, explains the root reasons men find themselves trapped in these behaviors, and gives them practical steps to take to overcome their unhealthy patterns.
Based on biblical principles and psychologically sound advice, this book is designed to help women heal and recover. Don’t suffer alone! Let the authors of Aftershock come alongside you and gently guide you through-and past-this crisis.
Ray Ortlund writes six personal letters, as from a father to his son. Ideal for individuals and small groups, it will give hope to men who have been misled by porn into devaluing themselves and others.
This book shows a path to true, lasting freedom with a biblical, clinical, and gospel-centered approach to recovery. You will learn the six roots of porn addiction and how to effectively address them.
This practical handbook equips those who have been caught up in pornography or other forms of sexual sin with the ability to abandon that behavior and never return.
In The Healing Church, ministry leaders will discover how to create safe spaces and apply processes that restore those trapped in compulsive behaviors with pornography. Sam Black outlines the most successful examples from churches currently providing meaningful aid and includes stories of Christians who found healing from porn strongholds.
Women aren’t supposed to struggle with porn, especially Christian women. But if you’re addicted to pornography, you’re not alone.
Stories of porn addiction recovery, plus how God saved a marriage from pornography, and when to talk about past traumas in a dating relationship.
Just as pornographic images have the potential to ruin a man’s ability to love in real life, so too, a written form of pornography has the potential to ruin a woman’s ability to love in real life.
Statistics reveal that many married men are struggling with a pornography addiction, even in the church. If this has impacted your marriage, please know, you’re not alone. John, Erin and Greg discuss how to take a step toward healing, after a secret sin has been uncovered. Featuring guests David and Kirsten Samuel.
Be Broken Ministries’ Gateway to Freedom intensive workshops for men can help them find real, lasting freedom from porn addiction and other unwanted sexual behaviors. Men will learn about:
- Why willpower isn’t the answer (and never can be)
- Why God is the source of the solution and how He is ready to help
- How your emotions can be guided to a healthier you
- How to see shame and guilt overcome by forgiveness and peace
- How to build a confident hope into your soul
- How friendship and service are crucial to your long-term happiness and freedom
In this 8-week combination book and workbook, women will discover freedom from pornography by experiencing the love of God as they address underlying wounds and connect through authentic community.
Help for My Marriage
Confessing the whole truth about a pornography addictions offers the best path for healing for a couple. Here are some things to consider in working out that process.
Research shows that 55% of Christian men look at porn at least monthly, and 1 in 10 view porn at least daily. Mark Makinney points out this is inherently a sin problem, and he describes how viewing porn will hijack your brain. Mark and his wife, Rosie, also list warning signs that your spouse could be addicted to porn, and then share their own story of Mark’s 25-year addiction and how it impacted their marriage.
Michelle’s fiance admitted he had a problem with pornography. After they married, she thought the addiction was in the past, but he kept relapsing. This is Michelle’s story of hurt, help and hope.
Rosie Makinney examines the damaging impact of porn on marriage and explains how couples can protect themselves against it.
When you discover that your husband has been hiding a sexual sin like pornography, it will be difficult to hear – but I encourage you to allow your heart to fully grieve.
Relational problems often get worse before they get better. Some husbands wait weeks after the discovery of porn use before they admit to additional bad behavior. Here’s what wives need to know.
Join marriage experts Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley for six episodes in this Christian podcast series about pornography addiction from Focus on the Family. You’ll learn why pornography hurts a marriage, but there’s hope and freedom found in God’s grace.
Many men believe that viewing pornography is, at worst, a private sin with consequences that affect only them. But pornography is in fact a sin that harms the most intimate of relationships – marriage.
What should I do if I believe that my spouse is looking at obscene and sexually explicit material?
After confessing a pornography problem to your spouse, it’s critical to take steps toward recovery. Whether you’ve struggled with it or you’re the spouse of an addict, Greg, Erin and John will give some helpful tips for your healing process.
After admitting your pornography addiction to your wife, you need to rebuild trust. Lots of men say the wrong thing. This guide will help you know what you should say and what you shouldn’t.
False intimacy promises an emotional high but leaves us empty. Learn how to identify false intimacy and replace it with biblical intimacy.
Dr. Juli Slattery and author Dannah Gresh talk about the cultural fascination with erotica that’s been largely spawned by the popular novel and now movie Fifty Shades of Grey and other sexually explicit media. Our guests explain why such material especially appeals to women, and the danger it poses to marriage and families. (Part 1 of 2)
The photograph was invented in 1839, and in just 11 quick years the word “pornographer‚” was seeded into our dictionary – unaware of the Zeus-like power and combustive fury that was to come as virtual infidelity would some day be as close as a harmless-blue Click Here.
Porn definitely is a problem, but the bigger issue goes well beyond the behavior. Nick and Michelle Stumbo join us to talk about how we need to address the deeper issues in order to find healing from pornography.
As pastors, we must be educated on the dangers of porn to equip those we lead for health and resilience in their marriages.
My story followed the typical progression of addiction to pornography: early exposure, addiction, escalation, desensitization and acting out sexually. Then one person’s response to my story changed my life.
Pornography – whether used infrequently or as an addiction – is a big deal. And it can have a major impact on a marriage.
Women aren’t supposed to struggle with porn, especially Christian women. But if you’re addicted to pornography, you’re not alone.
Based on biblical principles and psychologically sound advice, this book is designed to help women heal and recover. Don’t suffer alone! Let the authors of Aftershock come alongside you and gently guide you through-and past-this crisis.
This isn’t just another how-to book on trying to control your behavior. This is a story of how God redeems what has been broken and recreates something awesome in a man’s heart.
“Because of a moral failure, that’s why.” When Kirsten Samuel heard this confession from her husband it took her breath away. This uninvited crisis proved to be the impetus for her ultimate healing. In these pages, you’ll experience raw honesty and a clear path through the pain.
This isn’t just another how-to book on trying to control your behavior. This is a story of how God redeems what has been broken and recreates something awesome in a man’s heart.
Christian Families in Recovery will help you take a deeper look at the nature of addiction and recovery from a Christ-centered perspective. By learning the tools of intervention, you can love the addict, but establish an environment that will not support the addiction.
For any woman dealing with the fallout of infidelity, this sensitive and practical guide offers proven tools to help you make wise and empowering decisions as you deal with your husband’s sexual betrayal.
Bill Perkins details a proven biblical strategy for sexual integrity. He shows men how to achieve a purity that will flow from their relationship with God and strengthen their self-respect, the sanctity of their marriage, and the security of their families.
The church is ready. Your mentor team is trained. And you’ve just had a couple request a Marriage 911 mentor. Now what?
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Destructive addictions usually start with small compromises. The same is true with a pornography problem. John, Greg and Erin discuss some helpful first steps a married man can take if he’s struggling with pornography. Featuring guest David Samuel.
Help for Me as an Affected Spouse
Based on biblical principles and psychologically sound advice, this book is designed to help women heal and recover. Don’t suffer alone! Let the authors of Aftershock come alongside you and gently guide you through-and past-this crisis.
Discovering your husband’s porn use or other sexual infidelities can feel devastating, but there is hope for renewed trust and restoration in your marriage. This study provides a way forward and is based on the book Aftershock: Overcoming His Secret Life with Pornography: A Plan for Recovery. (You can also access this content through the Victory app by Covenant Eyes.)
If you are not open to forgiveness or reconciliation, your spouse’s work in earning your trust will not be meaningful to you. Likewise, if you don’t take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually, you will be unable to recognize or receive even your mate’s best efforts of reconciliation.
When a wife learns her husband is struggling with pornography, it’s very heartbreaking. In that situation, where do you turn to for help? John, Erin and Greg discuss common mistakes wives make in that situation and point to some ways to get help. Featuring guest Rosie Makinney.
“I have a secret, a big one.” These words can panic a spouse. What do you do when you hear them? How do you respond? Fear is justified after trust-breaking sexual betrayal, but you can work through it.
When her husband confessed a porn addiction, Shelly thought she had forgiven him. A year later, she was still holding hatred toward him. That realization started her on the path toward true forgiveness.
Karen was raised in a dysfunctional home where family members did not discuss issues. But as painful as talking about her husband’s use of pornography was, Karen simply could not ignore it.
Ultimately, pornography addicts are dependent on God for recovery. But certain patterns lead to healing, and others result in heartbreak.
Be Broken Ministries offers 6-week online care groups for wives who want hope and healing from betrayal trauma. Groups are offered seasonally in January, April, July, and October.
Forgiving a pornography user too quickly can hinder recovery because it avoids the problem. Bravely acknowledging the emotions associated with betrayal is imperative to the true forgiveness process.
What should I do if I believe that my spouse is looking at obscene and sexually explicit material?
Find Focus on the Family broadcasts, best-in-class books, referral recommendations, and more.
Is my spouse’s use of pornography the same thing as marital infidelity?
For any woman dealing with the fallout of infidelity, this sensitive and practical guide offers proven tools to help you make wise and empowering decisions as you deal with your husband’s sexual betrayal.
Rescued. It’s what every wife yearns for in the aftermath of sexual betrayal. In the beginning we may simply hope to survive, but in the long run we have the opportunity to thrive. This workbook will guide you through many of the important pieces of the recovery process.
Christian Families in Recovery will help you take a deeper look at the nature of addiction and recovery from a Christ-centered perspective. By learning the tools of intervention, you can love the addict, but establish an environment that will not support the addiction.
This isn’t just another how-to book on trying to control your behavior. This is a story of how God redeems what has been broken and recreates something awesome in a man’s heart.
Help for My Child/Teen
Knowing how to respond to your young teen’s porn use can be overwhelming. Learn how to approach them with grace, patience, and understanding.
Even though pornography is everywhere, you can help your teen learn how to quit watching porn with these strategies.
Josh Glaser and Daniel Weiss describe why “the talk” about abstinence isn’t enough to guide your kids in our pornographic world. They offer wise habits and guidelines for technology use.
Pornography is a problem for many teen guys. Consider these ways for helping them break free from porn, get back on the road of purity and renew their minds.
Porn is not just a “guy problem.” Uncover the truth about porn and how it affects you, even if you don’t view it.
If that’s something you as a parent are thinking, Licensed counselor John Thorington says you’re not alone. Some kids are looking at pornography at much younger ages these days, and many parents wonder how they should handle the situation.
When faced with their teen’s porn addiction, most parents don’t know where to begin to get the help he or she needs.
Unfortunately, the effects of pornography negatively impact our teenagers in more ways than we might realize. But there’s hope for parents hoping to help their teens overcome pornography addiction.
John Fuller and Dr. Danny Huerta explain how to teach our kids about sexuality properly to help keep them from terrible repercussions like getting hooked on pornography later on.
Visit Be Broken’s family resources page for your next best step to preparing your child to navigate sexuality from a Biblical worldview.
The Guy’s Guide will encourage your faith, challenge you spiritually, and give you real-life advice how to live out your faith in today’s highly secularized culture, with distractions lurking around every corner … and just a click away.
This accessible book contains information teens need about the physical, emotional, and spiritual risks associated with premarital sex, as well as guidelines for making healthy choices. Teens have questions about sex, and now there is somewhere to find the answers.
This practical look at sexual purity is written directly to teens in a frank, accessible, and totally honest style to help them make decisions for sexual integrity.
Visit Focus on the Family’s online store to find many great resources that can help parents strengthen their teens spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
One way to protect our kids from watching harmful things is to restrict which shows are watched by using parental controls on content streaming services. Here is a list of the top 5 streaming services and how to set up parental controls on each.
We recommend Net Nanny as a safe content filtering solution to help keep your kids and family safe online. Includes instant reporting of online searches, visibility to apps used by your kids and real-time alerts on porn, suicide, weapons, and drug-related content.
Pure Teens will help teens figure out God’s roadmap for making decisions about how to honor Him, relationships, and sex. Parents and counselors will also find tested and proven successful steps young people can take to live lives of godly freedom and integrity.
We recommend Covenant Eyes which is designed to help you and those you love live free from pornography. This Accountability-based service is safe, secure and proven effective at helping members overcome porn addiction. Start your journey to freedom today.
Girls who struggle with pornography will find hope and healing as they learn how to get out of a cybersex addiction and discover healthy sexuality.