
Brittany Rust

Brittany Rust has a passion to give encouragement to the world-weary believer through her writing, speaking and podcasting, and she loves building the local church. She is the author of Untouchable: Unraveling the Myth That You’re Too Faithful to Fall and hosts the Epic Fails podcast. Brittany, her husband Ryan, and their son Roman live in Castle Rock, Co. Learn more at

Mother sitting with her daughter on a couch/

Preteens Need Mentorship, Discipleship and Engagement

Editor’s Note: September is National Suicide Awareness Month. Equip yourself to help prevent teen suicide in your church free online training from Focus on the Family at

Shepherding Families Who Are Walking Through Miscarriage

The sweetest comfort I found in my grief was knowing that my baby is with Jesus. That he or she will never know loss, pain, cold, grief, disappointment or sorrow. That all their soul will ever know is joy in the presence of God.

Cultivating a Safe Space for Your Team

There is something incredibly special and valuable about a leader who will cultivate a culture where their team feels safe.

What Every Pastor Should Consider When Raising Up Young Leaders

Young leaders today need overseers who can guide them well through the culture surrounding the local church today. Leaders need to be wise about how and when they give the reigns of leadership over to younger leaders. Brittany Rust shares some wisdom through the years she spent in ministry leadership.

Teens and Smartphones

What Every Young Leader Should Know

Many Christians in ministries across the country believe they are untouchable. They’ve bought into the lie that they’re simply too faithful to fall or, on the other hand, they are too spiritual to give in to temptation. In the wake of believing such lies, boundaries are often missed or neglected and ministers end up in places they never thought they go. How do pastors and church leaders avoid such pitfalls?