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Jerusha Clark

Jerusha Clark is an author, a speaker and the founder of Be Transformed ministries. Her books include Living Beyond Postpartum Depression, When I Get Married, and The Life You Crave. Jerusha’s husband, Jeramy, is a pastor, and they are active in their church ministry. The couple resides in southern California and has two daughters.

How Your Teen Thinks

Have you ever wondered what your teen is thinking? Jerusha Clark unpacks three ways your teen’s brain is changing and what you can do to parent more effectively in the midst of the drama.

Frustrated mom trying to talk to her tween daughter who’s facing in opposite direction, looking indifferent

Maintaining Your Marriage With Teens in the House

Parenting adolescents isn’t easy, and conflict surrounding raising kids can harm a marriage. But you and your spouse can work as a team to build your marriage — even while raising your kids.