Ken Wolter

Ken Wolter

Pastor Ken Wolter has more than eight years experience as a hospital and outpatient oncology and palliative care chaplain. He is the founder of Esperas4Cancer.

Good Advice for Everyone: Slow Down and Spend Time With Family

Shannon and Darren often didn’t make time for each other or their kids. But after a cancer diagnosis, the couple changed their priorities, placing more value on time spent together as a family. 

Shared Journeys Communication Guide

These conversation starters can help couples connect when a spouse has received a cancer diagnosis. Consider using these questions to help articulate your feelings and health-care needs.

Helping Can Hurt When You Fail to Communicate With Each Other

Crises put significant strain on marriages. The tension can cause couples to drift apart. But by adequately communicating feelings and needs, couples can grow closer together even in stressful times.

A couple embraces tenderly in a peaceful outdoor setting, reflecting the emotional journey of being diagnosed with cancer and finding strength together.

Cancer Draws One Man Closer to His Wife and to the Lord

Each day Steve was able to give his cancer diagnosis to God and experience a genuine peace in acceptance. This allowed him to come together with his wife, Pat, emotionally and spiritually.