Headshot of Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell is the senior U.S. Senator from Kentucky and the current Senate Majority Leader. First elected to the U.S. Congress in 1984, he is Kentucky’s longest-serving senator as well as the longest-serving Senate Republican Leader in U.S. history. Learn more about Sen. McConnell and his distinguished career by visiting his website, He is married to Elaine Chao, President Donald Trump’s Secretary of Transportation, and is the proud father of three daughters.

David Ireland being interviewed in the Focus on the Family broadcast studio

Developing a Love of Prayer in Your Kids

Jim Daly speaks with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell about the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett and the process of confirming her to the U.S. Supreme Court, as confirmation hearings begin Monday, Oct 12. Then, Dr. David Ireland offers parents guidance for fostering their kids’ spiritual development in a discussion based on his book Raising a Child Who Prays: Teaching Your Family the Power of Prayer.

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Protecting Life and Family Values in the Senate

Senator Mitch McConnell offers a retrospective look at recent pro-family and pro-life accomplishments in the U.S. Congress, and discusses the challenges of reaching compromise in Washington, D.C. Senator James Lankford also weighs in on pro-family issues.