
Natalie Frisk

Natalie Frisk is a Curriculum Developer at RaiseUp Faith. She has co-created a curriculum from birth through high school called One Story used by churches worldwide. She is author of Raising Disciples: How to Make Faith Matter for Our Kids

Natalie served in pastoral ministry for over a decade at a multisite church (Toronto, Canada). She has a master’s degree in theological studies with a biblical studies focus from McMaster Divinity College and is working towards her doctorate in practical theology. She is married to Sam, mom to Erin, and child of God. To learn more about Natalie visit

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Sharing Your Faith With Your Kids

Natalie Frisk shares her insights as a parent and a curriculum developer to help equip parents to share their faith and disciple their children more intentionally at every age. Rather than focusing on morality, Natalie emphasizes the importance of helping your child find their identity in a relationship with Christ.

forgiveness - Illustration of a young child learning to walk between a father and mother

Model the First Steps in Forgiveness to Your Kids

Show your kids how to practice and receive forgiveness