Headshot of Pastor Ted Cunningham

Ted Cunningham

Ted Cunningham is the founding pastor of Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson, Missouri. He and his wife, Amy, have been married for 27 years and have two children, Corynn and Carson. He is the author of several books including Greater Joy Twogether and Trophy Child. Ted coauthored four books with the late Dr. Gary Smalley including From Anger to Intimacy and The Language of Sex. He is a comedian on the Date Night Comedy Tour and a speaker at churches and events across the country. Ted is a graduate of Liberty University and Dallas Theological Seminary. Learn more about Ted by visiting his church’s website.

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The Power of Silence: How Speaking Less Can Benefit You

Cancel culture has prompted many Christians to regularly voice their opinions for fear of being silenced. Some obnoxiously vent on every issue, regardless of their knowledge of that subject (or lack thereof). Pastor Ted Cunningham explains that the Bible calls us to a restraint that adds influence and power to our voices, and he’ll also help us discern when it IS time to speak up.

A young couple laughs together as they take a selfie in front of the Milan Cathedral. A simple way to keep your marriage fresh and fun — take every opportunity to share laughter-filled moments with your spouse.

Laugh Together as a Couple

A simple way to keep your marriage fresh and fun — take every opportunity to share laughter-filled moments with your spouse.

A young woman embraces her mother in the left foreground as her husband shakes hands with her father in the background. The husband has two suitcases, suggesting the woman is leaving home. A thriving marriage only works when both husband and wife leave home and cleave to each other in numerous ways.

Marriage Means Leaving Home and Cleaving to Each Other

A thriving marriage only works when both husband and wife leave home and cleave to each other. They must be prepared to do so in various ways.

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Encouraging Marriages in Your Sphere of Influence

“Every marriage is a duet in need of great backup singers…” Join Pastor Ted Cunningham for a lighthearted look at the power of community to either support, or hurt, marriages. He’ll share seven principles every person, and church, can use to be a blessing to the marriages around them.

Focus on the Family Broadcast

Bringing Laughter to Your Marriage

On this lighthearted broadcast, Pastor Ted Cunningham shares humorous stories from life with his spouse to illustrate how laughter is a key component for a thriving and lasting marriage. He explores the emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits of laughter, and encourages listeners to discover their “humor muscle” and flex it on a daily basis.

Married couple standing with their backs to each other with arms crossed. The woman looks over her shoulder at the man, wondering how to apologize to her spouse.

The Best Way to Apologize to Your Spouse

A thriving marriage requires two spouses who are good at giving apologies that reflect personal responsibility.

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Rediscovering the Joy In Your Marriage

When you get married, you look forward to the ways you and your spouse can take on the grind of life full force. But what happens when your spouse becomes the grind? Ted Cunningham returns to describe how you can learn to communicate well with your spouse to have a joy-filled marriage, no matter what seasons come your way.

photo of man dancing in the kitchen with his wife. They actively invest in fun in their marriage and protect themselves against boring routines.

Why Is My Marriage Boring? Five Ways to Add Fun to Your Marriage

Where you are and what you do are simply factors in the equation, but they are not the summation of a good time. Stop looking for fun in your marriage and start creating it!

Photo of a couple going through a photo album and remembering how they each love their spouse.

How to Love Your Spouse Again: Remember How It All Began

Few things prepare your children for success more than growing up with a mom and dad who thoroughly enjoy each other. They need you and your spouse to be great parents and great lovers.

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Best of 2022: Encouraging Moms to Laugh

Pastor Ted Cunningham brings hilarious encouragement to moms by urging them to stop stressing out over non-essential decisions, and start actively seeking out a more lighthearted approach to life.

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Encouraging Moms to Laugh

Pastor Ted Cunningham brings hilarious encouragement to moms by urging them to stop stressing out over non-essential decisions, and start actively seeking out a more lighthearted approach to life.

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Why It’s Important to Honor Others

Pastor Ted Cunningham shares the importance of seeing all human beings as image-bearers of God. He’ll challenge you to encourage your friends and family by “calling out” their positive attributes, and shares humorous examples from his own family. He recommends writing “honor” lists and giving them to family and friends, especially as a birthday gift.

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Enjoying Mealtime as a Family

Ted Cunningham offers practical suggestions for making family mealtimes more meaningful in a discussion based on his book Come to the Family Table: Slowing Down to Enjoy Food, Each Other and Jesus.

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The Importance of Leaving and Cleaving

Pastor Ted Cunningham offers wisdom to newlyweds about the importance of separating emotionally, relationally, and financially from their family of origin in order to form a strong bond with their new spouse.

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Adding Some Spice to Your Marriage

Pastor and author Ted Cunningham combines humor with practical advice for enjoying more connection and intimacy in your marriage.

a young married couple on the dance floor

Preparing Couples for a Solid Marriage

Marriage is a sacred covenant that is a legal, public, and binding agreement. Just as you wouldn’t sign on the dotted line if you knew the car salesman was shady, you most definitely shouldn’t sign if you think the one you are marrying is hollow in character.

Learning from the Tiny House Movement

Facilities are important tools in reaching and leading people. I encourage you to walk through your facility as a guest. Maybe invite someone who has never visited your church to do a walk-through with you. See the space from their perspective.

Learning from Adversity

Adversity can come in many forms. Lean into other ministry who have been there before and can help you through even the toughest of times.

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Enjoying Marriage at Any Age

In this Best of 2019 broadcast, Pastor Ted Cunningham outlines the benefits of marriage, and encourages young adults to consider marrying sooner rather than later. He offers great advice for couples of all ages to help keep the joy in your relationship.

Visitor is greeted at a church

Creating a Comfortable Guest Experience This Sunday

Preach God’s Word with passion this coming weekend. May the repentance of sin and placing faith in Jesus get our utmost attention. Let’s remove every unnecessary, uncomfortable distraction from the proclamation of Gospel.

a man and a woman stand together during a wedding

10 Wedding Considerations That Esteem Marriage As Highly Valuable

Weddings honor marriage. The visual of a man separating from his parents and uniting with his wife esteem marriage as highly valuable.

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage, Part 7

Overcoming anger can lead to a beautiful marriage. John talks with Greg about how anger must be dealt with at a personal level before it’s solved in a marriage.

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage, Part 6

Have you ever had to say, “Honey, I’m sorry,” to your spouse? If so, you are not alone. Greg and John discuss how to be a safe spouse in your marriage. Featuring Ted Cunningham.

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage, Part 5

How you deal with anger can help or hurt your spouse. Greg and John talk to husbands about handling their anger well. Featuring Ted Cunningham.

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage, Part 4

Being filled with God’s love helps you to love your spouse. John, Greg and Erin give advice for allowing God’s love to help you connect with your spouse, and not become distracted by social media. Featuring Ted Cunningham. Find us online at or call 1-800-A-FAMILY

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage, Part 3

Being filled with God’s love helps you to love your spouse. John, Greg and Erin give advice for allowing God’s love to help you connect with your spouse, and not become distracted by social media. Featuring Ted Cunningham. Find us online at or call 1-800-A-FAMILY

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage, Part 2

Sharing your feelings in a healthy way can lead to greater intimacy in your marriage. John, Greg and Erin share practical ways for dealing with feelings of anger in your marriage. Featuring Ted Cunningham. Find us online at or call 1-800-A-FAMILY

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage, Part 1

Anger toward your spouse is usually rooted in something deeper. John, Greg and Erin talk about how to process your emotions with your spouse in a healthy way. Featuring Ted Cunningham. Find us online at or call 1-800-A-FAMILY

two young men sitting in an office having a happy conversation

The Weekly Getaway And The Two Most Common Excuses That Keep You From It

Pastor Ted Cunningham helps leaders think through what rest looks like when the chaos of pastoral ministry.

Honoring Marriage With Truth, Not Myths

Marriage should be honored among pastors and church leaders. The way a pastor models his marriage is the way his flock will live theirs.

Two seated men talking in an office setting

Embracing the Ministry Opportunities God Places Before You

Serving the community alongside other churches can be a rewarding experience. How do pastors and church leaders do this well?

Two men standing outside. One is laughing as the other describes something funny.

Adding Humor To Your Sermons

Adding humor to your sermons must be done with wisdom. Pastor Ted Cunningham shares how he has injected humor into his sermons and talks over the past few decades of pastoral ministry.

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage (Part 2 of 2)

Pastor Ted Cunningham talks about his personal experiences with anger and explains how he worked through his emotional struggles in order to protect his marriage. (Part 2 of 2)

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Resolving Anger in Your Marriage (Part 1 of 2)

Pastor Ted Cunningham talks about his personal experiences with anger and explains how he worked through his emotional struggles in order to protect his marriage. (Part 1 of 2)

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Having Fun in Your Marriage

Pastor Ted Cunningham describes the symptoms of a “stuck marriage,” and what couples can do to inject fun, happiness, and enjoyment back into their relationship.

The Intimacy of Prayer

Praying with your spouse intensifies and strengthens your spiritual bond. When you pray together, your vulnerability with your heavenly Father deepens and enriches your marriage relationship.

Marriage Notes: How do I truly forgive?

You might think you’ve forgiven your spouse, but true forgiveness comes with a sense of peace. And the ability to forgive others — and yourself — only comes from God.

Proud, happy mom hugging two teen soccer champion girls who are holding out their tropies toward the camera

Does Performance Drive Your Parenting?

Stop being a trophy parent. 

Choosing to Enjoy Married Life

Culture says that chemistry and compatibility are keys to an enjoyable marriage, but character and commitment are really the essential qualities.