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Terri Clark

Terri Clark is president and founder of Terri Clark Ministries, which provides practical help for stepfamilies.

When the Past Is Present

Your spouse may act nothing like your ex, but without even realizing it, you might be unfairly reacting based on fears and emotions that are rooted in your previous marriage — these are triggers.

Help Your Stepchildren Feel Secure in Your Love for Them

Stepsibling jealousy can be subtle, volatile and destructive, but detecting it isn’t difficult if you know what to look for.

Discipline Discord

In blended families, conflicts often run deeper than the surface issues. Letting go of the past and establishing trust through open communication is vital to building a healthy marriage and family.

Shadows From the Past

Everyone brings baggage from past relationships, but you can pull from the strengths you’ve gained from your past — maturity, patience, wisdom, godliness — to build a new marriage and family.