Headshot photo of Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell

Trillia Newbell is a speaker and the author of several books, including 52 Weeks in the Word and Creative God, Colorful Us. She is currently an acquisitions author for Moody Publishers. She and her husband, Thern, are an interracial couple who have been married for over 20 years. They have two teenage children and live near Nashville, Tennessee.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Celebrating Black History as a Family

Trillia Newbell passionately equips parents to celebrate Black History Month with their children around the dinner table and teach them the power of the gospel to create racial reconciliation.

Promotional image for Focus on the Family broadcast Teaching Children to Celebrate Racial and Cultural Diversity

Teaching Children to Celebrate Racial and Cultural Diversity

Trillia Newbell and Dr. Danny Huerta discuss the value of our celebrating racial and cultural diversity as an expression of God’s calling upon us to share His message of love and reconciliation through Christ to people of every nation, tribe, and language, and offer parents practical guidance for celebrating as a family.

International brothers and sisters in a circle with flags of different countries painted on their wrists

United by Love: How Diversity Reflects the Kingdom of God

Throughout Scripture, we see God working to redeem a people for himself, a people from every tribe and tongue and nation – colorful and diverse.