
What does Focus think about Bakugan? Do you have any information about Naruto?

What does Focus think about Bakugan? Do you have any information about Naruto?

As you likely know, Bakugan is an anime series originating from Japan. (Anime, also known as “Japanese animation,” or Japanese cartoons, has been popular in that nation for several decades, and has countless fans worldwide.) Bakugan is similar to Pokemon in that a card game and toys have been developed based on the series. Naruto is an ongoing manga (comic book) series, also created in Japan.

While Focus on the Family does not have a formal opinion on either Bakugan or Naruto, we have addressed anime and manga in the past. For general information on these media genres, please feel free to peruse the article at this link:

Finally, if you’re interested in what other parents are saying about this topic, please see the related thread on our Focus on the Family Parenting Community.

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