We apologize for any inconvenience the renewal notices have caused you. We realize that if members of your household receive several different Focus publications, these notices probably tend to pile up.
We hope it will be helpful to know, however, that we send renewal notifications with the best of intentions — and that we are committed to being good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. The purpose of multiple notices is to avoid an interruption in the delivery of your magazine subscriptions. You might be interested to learn that Focus sends out less than half as many notices as most publishers. If the reminders succeed, it is actually more efficient — and less costly — than the work that would go into restarting a subscription and then mailing any issues that were missed.
We’ve recently made significant strides in streamlining the processing of renewals, which is helping to reduce the “crossover” that occasionally occurs during the time lag when an additional notice is sent to someone who has already elected to renew their subscription. Still, we know there is always room for improvement, and we are constantly evaluating our processes to make them as cost-effective and timely as possible.
We appreciate your patience and understanding — and your feedback!