
Why does Focus on the Family cover only a limited range of issues?

Why does Focus on the Family cover only a limited range of issues?

At Focus on the Family, we feel it’s vital for our ministry to stay focused on issues that directly relate to our mission and pillars.

Christian ministries can more effectively make a difference if a diversity of independent organizations exist, each focusing on unique specializations that reflect the work they feel God has called them to do.

While there are many important topics that Focus doesn’t cover, there are a number of organizations that do an excellent job in areas outside the scope of our expertise.

For more information, you may want to read two articles on this subject: “Staying Focused: Why We Don’t Address All the Issues” by Tom Minnery, Focus’s Senior Vice President of Government and Public Policy, and “Focus on the Family President Jim Daly Reveals Our True Mission.” We’ve posted them together in this downloadable document.

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