
Benevolent Resource Program

Benevolent Resources Program has Changed!

For over 20 years, Focus on the Family has been excited to come alongside Pregnancy Centers. As times have changed, we have also worked to change with the best methods of communication. Therefore, we are excited to offer our medically accurate booklets in new engaging, conversational videos. That’s right, the booklets you have known and loved are available as videos.

Go to to see the new videos. We have suggestions on how best to use the videos on the right side of the page. Also, there is an exciting new offer for pocket handouts. The pocket handouts will be offered through the “Check Your Eligibility” button. And the best part is it is all free to Pregnancy Help Centers. So, look around and see what has been created for you!

(If you already have an account, you may order the paper booklets until December 31, 2023, while supplies last.)

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Preview, download or share any of the PRC booklets.