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Resources: Family & Personal Finance


Family & Personal Finances

Find Focus on the Family broadcasts, best-in-class books,
referral recommendations, and more.

7 Money Rules for Life by Mary Hunt 
“How to Take Control of Your Financial Future”

The 21-Day Financial Fast by Michelle Singletary 
“Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom”

The Abundant Marriage by Focus on the Family (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
One of the ways you can achieve joy in your marriage is by practicing stewardship. This Bible study can help you better manage the resources God has entrusted to you.

Cheaper, Better, Faster by Mary Hunt 
“Over 2,000 Tips and Tricks to Save You Time and Money Every Day”

Complete Guide to Faith-Based Family Finances by Ron Blue and Jeremy White (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
Find offers wise counsel on money management, charitable giving, investments, debt management, and retirement.

Debt-Proof Living by Mary Hunt 
“How to Get Out of Debt & Stay That Way”

Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey 
Understand why you’re in debt, create a workable budget, set achievable goals, and make things right for you and your family—spiritually, emotionally, and financially.

The Financially Confident Woman by Mary Hunt 
“What You Need to Know to Take Charge of Your Money”

First Comes Love, Then Comes Money by Bethany and Scott Palmer 
“A Couple’s Guide to Financial Communication”

Giving It All Away … And Getting It All Back Again by David Green
“The Way of Living Generously”

Is College Worth It? by William Bennett and David Wilezol 
“A former United States Secretary of Education and a liberal arts graduate expose the broken promise of higher education.”

Managing God’s Money: A Biblical Guide by Randy Alcorn 
Alcorn uses Scripture to explain how we should view and handle the money God entrusts to us—whether the issue is saving, spending, managing debt, tithing, giving, retirement, gambling, or inheritances.

The Money Answer Book by Dave Ramsey
Ramsey covers budgeting, retirement planning, saving, spending, debt, and many other topics.

The Money-Making Mom by Crystal Paine 
“How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference”

Money Matters for Kids by Larry Burkett and K. Christie Bowler (ages 8-12)
This workbook is filled with jokes, puzzles, and cool facts about earning, giving, saving, and spending. Help your child manage their money instead of it managing them.

The Money-Saving Mom’s Budget by Crystal Paine
 “Slash Your Spending, Pay Down Your Debt, Streamline Your Life, and Save Thousands a Year”

Raising Financially Confident Kids by Mary Hunt 
Whether you don’t know where to start or don’t feel confident about your money habits, you can help your child develop money management skills, from preschool through the teen years.

Slaying the Debt Dragon by Cherie Lowe
“How One Family Conquered Their Money Monster and Found an Inspired Happily Ever After”

The Smart Woman’s Guide to Planning for Retirement by Mary Hunt 
Hunt shares easy-to-understand wisdom about saving for retirement: handling debt, creating a spending plan, working with a financial planner, and more.

Splitting Heirs by Ron Blue and Jeremy White
“Giving Your Money and Things to Your Children Without Ruining Their Lives”

Surviving Financial Meltdown by Ron Blue and Jeremy White (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“Confident Decisions in an Uncertain World”

The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey 
Ramsey exposes the deception of the “American dream.” Discover a nuts-and-bolts plan to get rid of debt and find financial well-being.

The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn 
“Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving”

Your Kids Can Master Their Money by Ron Blue, Judy Blue, and Jeremy White (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“Fun Ways to Help Them Learn How”

Your Money After the Big 5-0: Wealth for the Second Half of Life by Larry Burkett and Ron Blue
Find answers to common midlife questions as you make sure your family is provided for.

Your Money God’s Way by Amie Streater 
“Overcoming the 7 Money Myths That Keep Christians Broke”

Answering Your Financial Questions (Dave Ramsey) 
Ramsey discusses basic principles of how to budget, create an emergency account, get out of doubt, afford for mom to stay at home, pay for a child’s college education, and more. He also talks about the importance of tithing.

Avoiding Common Financial Mistakes (Mary Hunt) 
Hunt addresses common financial mistakes such as living on credit, living an overstated life, stripping homes of equity, raiding retirement accounts early, taking out college loans, and procrastination.

Budgeting for Back-to-School Spending (Scott and Bethany Palmer)
Learn to teach children about money management while preparing for school. The Palmers also give advice for when and how to allow tweens and teens to start making their own money decisions for school.

Building a Secure Financial Future With Your Spouse (Scott and Bethany Palmer) 
The Palmers discuss different money personalities—saver, spender, risk taker, security seeker, and flyer. Learn to recognize each other’s differences and work toward financial harmony in your marriage.

Celebrating Christmas Without Going Into Debt (Mary Hunt)
Hunt shares from her book Debt-Proof Your Christmas, and offers ways to budget and deal with common dilemmas of gift-giving. Help your family focus on the real joy of creating memories and celebrating our Lord’s birth.

Communicating to Achieve Financial Harmony (Russ and Julie Crosson)
The Crossons explain how couples can overcome challenges that result from different perspectives on managing money. Learn to improve your financial communication.

Conquering Debt  (Brian and Cherie Lowe)
The Lowes offer and advice for living financially free in a discussion based on Cherie’s book Slaying the Debt Dragon

Defeating the Attitudes That Keep You in Debt (Mary Hunt) 
Hunt tells her experience of having built up overwhelming debt and then working to eliminate it. She explains the importance of determination, and she offers ideas on how to debt-proof life.

Fasting for a Financially Fit Future (Michelle Singletary) 
Singletary, a financial columnist, describes her experiences with poverty and the fears she had to overcome regarding money. Whether you’re rich, poor, or somewhere in between, you can begin to make better choices for your financial future.

Financial Advice for Young Couples (Scott and Bethany Palmer) 
The Palmers talk to newlyweds about how to effectively communicate about money.

Finding Financial Freedom in Motherhood (Crystal Paine)
Paine explains how women can uncover their talents, knowledge, and passions to generate marketable ideas and live more generously.

Getting Control of Your Finances (Mary Hunt) 
Hunt’s compulsive spending led to $100,000 in credit card debt. After crying out to God for mercy, He transformed her life. She and her family repaid their debt and began Debt-Proof Living.

Giving It Away: An Investment in Eternity (Randy Alcorn) 
“You can’t take it with you, but you can send it on ahead.” Alcorn elaborates on the truth that earthly treasures will be lost, but whatever we put into God’s hands will be used for His eternal glory.

Investing in Others Through God’s Love (David Green) 
The founder of Hobby Lobby talks about his humble beginnings as a preacher’s son whose family scraped by. He shares lessons learned from his loving parents, and he highlights the importance of investing in God’s work.

Making Your Money Last (Dave Ramsey)
Midlife and beyond can be the most productive time in a person’s life. Ramsey talks about preparing for and living well during retirement, covering everything from estate plans to Social Security to insurance needs.

Managing Your Finances at Christmastime (Scott and Bethany Palmer)
The Palmers offer advice on making Christmas a joyful holiday, not a financial disaster. Create a spending plan, teach children how to be gracious gift receivers, and find ways to serve others in need.

Questioning the Value of College (Dr. Bill Bennett) 
Bennett challenges the assumption that most high school graduates need a college education to succeed. He cautions parents to consider all options before plunging into debt or wasted years in a university experience.

Saving Money on Everyday Expenses (Crystal Paine) 
Paine shares how she and her husband survived on a small, weekly grocery budget while he went through law school, and how they were able to buy their first home with cash.

Saving Money on Your Food Bill (Jonni McCoy) 
McCoy explains how to save money by making simple meals from scratch. Being frugal allows you to better steward the resources God has provided and reach other goals, such as relieving debt or becoming a stay-at-home mom.

Savvy Advice on Planning for Retirement (Mary Hunt) 
Hunt discusses common reasons people don’t invest, how young couples can find the motivation to start, how couples in the middle years can catch up, and what to do if you’re ready to retire but don’t have the funds.

Securing Financial Peace for Your Family (Dave Ramsey) 
Ramsey explains that all the money in the world won’t get you out of debt unless you learn to manage your income wisely.
He covers a variety of topics, including credit cards, loans, car payments, credit scores, and family budgets.

Supporting Your Family While Staying Home (Donna Partow) 
Partow shares how God led her from a career as an investment banker to be a stay-at-home mom and home business entrepreneur.

Talking With Your Kids About Money (Scott and Bethany Palmer) 
The Palmers explain how materialistic children can become entitled teenagers who grow into young adults still financially dependent on their parents. Learn to teach children about spending and saving wisely.

Teaching Kids to Be Financially Savvy (Mary Hunt) 
Hunt shares about the importance of teaching children to give, save, and plan ahead.

Trusting God in Today’s Economy (Dr. Steve Farrar) 
Farrar encourages those struggling with financial challenges to trust in the Lord as their ultimate provider.

Money and Finances
Find articles and other resources to help your family work through financial topics—including debt, budgeting, and healthy communication.


Resource Lists

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

Mvelopes is a free online system that applies the principles of envelope budgeting to personal finances. It offers customized  cash flow management through online tools, debt analysis, budgeting, and financial coaching.

Crown Financial Ministries
This organization provides biblically based materials for churches, small groups, and individuals. They also have a network of financial advisors.

Dave Ramsey
Offering insight and materials for financial management, the website also includes information on “Financial Peace University,” a 13-week program about reaching financial goals.

Debt-Proof Living (Mary Hunt)
This site offers online tools, articles, interactive calculators, and numerous time- and money-saving tips.

Ronald Blue & Co.
This company offers financial and investment counsel, estate and retirement planning, tax and business services, and assistance with charitable giving strategies.