When conflict arises in a thriving marriage, both partners win when they remember that, ultimately, they’re on the same team.
Grief is a real part of infertility. It may be heightened in miscarriages or stillbirths, but it is just as real when a couple cannot conceive.
If your approach to conflict resolution is going nowhere, you may need a heart change. Try these five ideas.
When deployment is over, ease your transition as you renegotiate leading and submitting with both spouses in the home.
Laughter helps us avoid taking ourselves too seriously and is a great stress reducer. If your marriage is anything like Mark and Debbie Gungor’s, it has its fair share of stress.
Denying our own interests doesn’t come naturally, but it conditions us toward a more sacrificial love. Dying to self proves we’re serious about loving our spouse in the same way Christ loves His church.
Have you heard about the other way of writing the word “intimacy”?—”INTO ME, SEE.” There’s a valuable piece of marital wisdom embedded in this clever play on words.
What is a marriage? It’s a question well worth pondering.
The parallel between romantic love and God’s relationship with His people is a theme that runs all the way through Scripture, and it has a great deal to teach us about the spiritual dimension of marriage.
Learn how to strengthen your marriage and love your husband by building a good relationship with your mother-in-law.
Sex is a gift God gave to husbands and wives, so why not learn how to enjoy it to the fullest?
Bo Stern writes of her husband’s struggle with ALS, testifying to God’s strength being made perfect in their weakness.
Helping others as a couple can improve communication and create intimacy in your marriage.
“So, they’re like sea monkeys?” was the question I asked in my 10th-grade human physiology class when first learning about frozen embryos via IVF. Sea monkeys, a type of brine shrimp popular with children, “come to life” through cryptobiosis—a suspended animation state that animals enter in harsh conditions and exit when the environment improves. Although …
If you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls to your relationship if the process takes a while.
With a simple text, you can comfort someone and pass along powerful encouragement, just as the apostle Paul did in his letters.
Are you concerned that a spouse is being emotionally abused in their marriage? Find out which behavior patterns signal abuse.
What if this year you give your husband a new marriage? Join Erin Smalley as she takes the challenge and commits to living out the Greatest Commandment in her home.
As Christians, we know that staying close to Jesus requires time and effort. So why do we think we can take our spouse for granted? Try these four ways to rekindle your relationship.
God wants us to have friends. And that can include having opposite-sex friendships. But those friendships should come with boundaries.