
Combined Federal Campaign

Combined Federal Campaign

Give through Combined Federal Campaign

Are you military or a federal employee? Do you believe in the work of Focus on the Family? Now many of you who serve our country can also defend the family — with one easy pen stroke.

Focus on the Family is an active participant in the Combined Federal Campaign. If you are a federal employee, you can designate Focus on the Family as the charity of your choice during this year’s campaign. Simply write in #10534 on your pledge form.

In the past year, a gift of $78 has provided a counseling consult for three hurting individuals.

You also can help save the lives of four preborn babies for $260 a year. A gift of $156 will make it possible to save or strengthen five marriages. I addition, an annual donation of $52 will help a child in foster care be placed in a loving home. It only takes a little to accomplish so very much. Your contribution will help nurture and defend families everywhere.

A letter from a military wife to Focus on the Family:

“My husband is deployed overseas and will hopefully be returning soon. About a week ago I called Focus to ask some questions related to welcoming him home. A chaplain from your staff called back, offered helpful suggestions, recommended several interesting resources, and prayed for our family. I can’t tell you how much your kindness means to me … Thank you very much for all the help and prayer that you offer military families. It is only by God’s grace and the prayers of His people that we are able to continue on with joy and thanksgiving.”

We care deeply for those serving our country. They put their lives on the line for our sake and are committed to upholding our basic rights and religious liberties. Focus on the Family wants to be a support to these men and women, as well as to all those who reach out to us, by defending the family against the winds of culture that often undermine the institution and what it stands for. We think strong families make for a stronger America.

If you agree — and are in the military or a government employee — you can stand with us on behalf of the family. Simply designate Focus on the Family as the charity of your choice during this year’s Combined Federal Campaign by writing in #10534 on your pledge form.

Christian Service Charities Member

Your gift will make home a place people can’t wait to get back to.

Christian Service Charities (CSC) represents “Christian charities you know and trust” in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). If you want to find Focus on the Family in your campaign booklet, look in the “National/International Federations” section under “Christian Service Charities.”

For further information or questions, please email us at [email protected].

Give by Phone

For assistance or to give by phone, call:

Give by Mail

Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

You Can Help Families Thrive

To truly thrive in Christ, families need practical support, encouragement and real hope. And they need it today more than ever. That's why we need the help of friends like you.