Some people argue that the Bible doesn’t talk about homosexuality and same-sex marriage. I’m really confused about the issue. What’s your perspective?
NOTE: This Q&A offers a basic overview of a complex topic. For a more in-depth discussion, we encourage you to read our online booklet What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
As an evangelical Christian ministry, we’re committed to the authority of Scripture as the inspired Word of God. To that end, Focus on the Family believes in God’s design for sex: Sex is an expression of love to be shared and enjoyed exclusively between a husband and wife.
Also, we are convinced that the Bible leaves no room for confusion about homosexual behavior. Rather, Scripture explicitly and implicitly regards homosexual behavior as falling outside of God’s intention in creating man and woman as sexual beings who bear His image as male and female.
Speaking truth in love is the priority
That said, it’s critical to remember that Jesus’ example and commandment require us to proclaim God’s truth and His redemptive grace. In all areas of life, we must speak the truth in love. Christians prioritize love, and we point others to a loving, redemptive Savior when we tell the truth with grace and compassion.
In other words, there is no place for hatred, hurtful comments, or other forms of rejection toward those who experience same-sex attraction or identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.
Because humans are made in the image of God, Jesus teaches us to see everyone as having inherent value, worth, and dignity. That includes people who affirm or adopt labels or behaviors that we believe the Bible calls sexual sin.
What about same-sex “marriage”?
Focus on the Family sees no place for same-sex “marriage” within the context of a Christian worldview.
According to the Bible, marriage is heterosexual — between one man and one woman. Author Glenn Stanton writes, “Jesus was unequivocal in saying that to understand marriage and the sexual union, we must go back to the beginning and see how God created humanity and to what end.” Jesus said:
From the beginning of creation, “God made them male and female. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” (Mark 10:6-8, quoting Genesis 2:24).
We realize that not everyone shares our perspective. Even some professing Christians don’t believe that God’s Word and created order affirm heterosexual marriage as the only legitimate context for sexual expression. However, supporters of this view either dismiss the Bible’s authority or use interpretive methods that let them ignore or distort its meaning.
People’s efforts to justify homosexual behavior do not change God’s truth. The Bible prohibits all sexual promiscuity — heterosexual as well as homosexual. There is no scriptural support for endorsing sexual immorality (i.e., sexual activity outside the bond of heterosexual marriage) for anyone, regardless of their personal sexual feelings.
Resources to dig deeper
We hope these thoughts help to clarify the issues in your own mind. To learn more, check out the resources below, and visit our Understanding Homosexuality webpage. And if you’d like to talk more about your questions, call us for a free consultation at 1-855-771-HELP (4357). Our professional and pastoral counselors are here to listen and give initial guidance.
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Loving People Through the Truth
The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage
The Gay Gospel? How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible