We appreciate your taking the time to inquire about this copyright issue.
In response to your question, printing one copy of any article from a Focus Web site or other publication (magazine, newsletter, etc.) for personal use is legal. However, if you wish to reprint more than one copy from any of these for any other use (church bulletin, family newsletter, etc.), that request must be made in writing to Focus on the Family at the address noted below.
While this policy may seem overly cautious, it is intended not only to help us abide by copyright law, but also to protect the interests of the people who write for our ministry. Many of the articles posted on our Web site are written by freelance writers. Because each writer retains the copyright to his or her personal work, Focus may not have the authority to grant reprint rights on the writer’s behalf.
Though we cannot grant blanket permission for reprinting, if you would like to request permission to reprint any article (or republish or adapt), please
follow this link to the Reprint Permissions page.
If you have trouble with the Web version of the form, an Adobe Acrobat* version appears at the bottom this answer (scroll down and double click to open) and at the bottom of this Web page. You can print out the form, fill it in and then send it to our staff using one of the following:
- Faxing to (719) 531-3391 or
- Mailing to:
Focus on the Family
Legal Affairs, Permissions
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Please allow up to three weeks for a reply from our Permissions Department.
Thanks, again, for your kind consideration of our ministry!