
Pregnant, Scared, and Overwhelmed

woman's hands holding pregnancy test
Can you help me deal with the roller coaster of emotions I've been on since finding out that I'm going to have a baby? I feel scared, alone, and completely overwhelmed. So far I haven't shared this with anyone.



Slow down, take a deep breath. The emotions you’re feeling are understandable. Any woman who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant is going to feel scared, anxious, and overwhelmed. But don’t panic. There’s no reason to think that you can’t come to terms with the reality of your situation — millions of women have done it before you. Meanwhile, remember that this situation involves two precious human lives: your baby’s and your own. There’s too much at stake to react quickly.

Remember that you’re not alone

Sit down with someone you trust – your pastor, your parents, a family member, or a good friend — and share your concerns and anxieties with them. Begin to build a support network that will be able to help you walk through the decisions and challenges that lie ahead.

Whatever your circumstances, the practical help you need is available. Local Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRCs) are great places to start. We think you’ll find that the women who staff these centers are caring, non-judgmental, and in an excellent position to provide additional counsel.

For referrals to PRCs in your area, visit OptionLine’s website. (This site offers a lot of information about issues related to unplanned pregnancy.) You can also find a list of PRCs by looking under “Abortion Alternatives” in the yellow pages of your phone directory. And for more resources, we encourage you to read the free online booklets listed below.

There IS hope

Above all else, remember the value of the life you’re carrying in your womb. If you’d like to speak personally with one of our counselors, call us for a free over-the-phone consultation. One of our licensed professionals would be more than happy to come alongside you in any way they can.


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I’m Pregnant. Now What?

I Might Consider Adoption If . . . 

It’s Your Story

The First Nine Months

A Bump in Life

Hope for Women Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

The Wonder Within You

Sarah’s Choice

Pro-Life Advocacy & Encouragement (resource list)


My Choice Network

National Council for Adoption

Abortion Changes You

Stories From Pregnant and Parenting Students

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