
Life Changes Q&As

a counselor and client talking

How to Find a Christian Counselor: Spiritual, Professional, and Practical Considerations

How do I find a good Christian counselor?

Shown from behind, a warmly-dressed hiker enjoying a panoramic view of a beautiful mountain range

How to Develop a Resilient Mindset

Resilience isn’t merely surviving. And it’s not about denying the depth of pain and its ongoing impact. Instead, it’s about learning from and growing through adversity — about becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Woman standing by the ocean shore at sunset with her arms outstretched

The Negative Consequences of Sexualization: One Woman’s Story and What You Can Learn From It

Licensed professional counselor Rob Jackson interviewed a woman who is recovering from addiction to pornography.

Black and white pic of woman stuck behind a glass pane.

Help for Women Addicted to Sex: 7 Key Topics

Do you have information and help for women who struggle with sex addiction? 

Schizophrenia: An Overview

What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? My teenage daughter’s behavior has become strangely erratic. I’m scared because schizophrenia runs in my family. Is it possible I’m doing something to make the situation worse?

young man holding hands over face

Anxiety Disorders: An Overview

I’m a worrier, and the problem is getting worse. I’ve heard people talk about “anxiety disorders,” but I don’t know what that means. How can I tell if my worry is normal or if I have an anxiety disorder? And what should I do?

young man looking depressed

Bipolar Disorder: An Overview

What is bipolar disorder?

man by water holding his head looking depressed

Depression: An Overview

What does depression look like? My husband has been unusually withdrawn and seems emotionally “low.” His sadness has become a regular part of life in our household, and I’m concerned. What can I do?

man in fancy suit sunglasses sitting on bench

Narcissism: Personality Patterns and Concerns

What exactly is a narcissist? I’ve always assumed this is just a popular way of describing an extremely egotistical person. But lately I’ve heard the word used as a technical term – as if someone could actually be diagnosed with narcissism. My spouse is very self-centered, and his behavior has hurt our relationship in many …

playing cards and poker chips

A Biblical Look at Gambling

Does the Bible really say that gambling is wrong? I realize that it’s one of those activities – like dancing and playing cards – that religious conservatives have traditionally been “against.” But I’m not convinced that there’s any solid biblical basis for their opposition to what I regard as innocuous games of chance.

feet in sneakers balancing on a log

Achieving a “Balanced” Lifestyle

How can I adjust my schedule so as to bring about a healthier equalization between the time I spend at work and the time I devote to the rest of life’s activities and demands? I’ve really tried to do this, but it seems that something suffers no matter what I do. Besides, I don’t think …

Two men walking side by side

Addictions: Choosing an Accountability Partner

As a recovering addict, how can I find someone to walk with me through the difficult beginning stages of the healing process? Do you have any advice on choosing an accountability partner and what this relationship should look like? I’d really appreciate any suggestions you can offer.

Grandparents reading with child

Adult Child Has Lost Custody of Kids Due to Substance Abuse

Now that our grown son and his girlfriend have lost their kids to the authorities due to a long history of drug abuse, should we try to gain custody of our grandchildren? We don’t feel that we have the physical energy to raise them, but we don’t want to see them lost in the foster …

adult young man staring out window

Adult Child of Alcoholic

As an adult who grew up in a home with an alcoholic parent, what do I need to know about the potential impact of my past upon my present life? What are the biggest challenges faced by adult children of alcoholics? Can you direct me to some resources that provide help and guidance in this …

woman back to camera facing lake

Adult Seeking Help After Sexual Assault

I’ve just become a victim of rape. I desperately need help and don’t know where to find it – what should I do now? So far, I haven’t told anyone. I’m ashamed to admit this to friends and family, and I’m afraid I’ll only make a bad situation worse if I go to the police. …

person signing document

Advance Medical Directives for Aging Loved Ones

Can you tell me how to make sure that my elderly father’s medical wishes will be respected? He’s in ill health, and he has often said that he doesn’t want any heroic measures taken to prolong his life. I know that we need to establish formal documentation of his desires in this regard, but I …

Woman pushing elderly woman wheelchair sunset

Aging Loved Ones and Hospice Care

What can we do to make our terminally ill grandmother’s final days as comfortable as possible? She’s at the point when there’s no sense in attempting to prolong her life by heroic measures, but we want to do everything we can to help her. We’ve been thinking about hospice care, but we don’t know much …

Woman in wheelchair talking to medical professional

Aging Loved Ones and “Transfer Trauma”

How can we help ease the transition of moving our aging loved one into a full-time care facility? I’ve heard of something called “transfer trauma,” but I don’t know exactly what it is or how it’s likely to affect my mother. Can you give me some idea of what to expect?

older man holding ball, person holding his hand

Aging Loved Ones: Feelings of Guilt and Inadequacy

Is it normal to be weighed down by negative emotions while caring for an aging loved one? When my dad had a stroke, my wife and I took him into our home because we thought it was the right thing to do. I guess I expected to feel good about myself for doing such an …

younger hands holding elderly woman hand

Aging Loved Ones: Lack of Sibling Support

How can I get my brothers and sisters to be more involved in caring for our elderly mother? I’m the oldest, and my siblings seem to have decided that I should do most of the work. I don’t mind being the primary caregiver, but the lack of support is frustrating. If I don’t do something …